vitmalina / w2ui

UI widgets for modern apps. Data table, forms, toolbars, sidebar, tabs, tooltips, popups. All under 120kb (gzipped).
MIT License
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Error: The parameter "type" should be one of the following (13) but label is supplied. #2437

Closed metaleap closed 12 months ago

metaleap commented 12 months ago

Quick kudos: just found this fantastic lib yesterday and :heart_eyes: it, everything else in this space is so overcomplicated and frameworky (either reactive or functional or MVC or forcing some own template lang etcpp). As a mostly-backend dev, I so prefer this "old-school" no-nonsense GUI coding (and supporting vanilla ES6).

Now, the issue :grin:

Using w2ui-2.0.min.js (stating w2ui 2.0.x (nightly) (4/26/2023, 11:04:17 AM)).

Short description Added to a Layout panel's (!) toolbar's items the following:

{ type: 'label', id: 'item1', text: 'Static Text' }

That's copied straight from Demos / Toolbar / Features 2.0+ / Label & Input

What is current behavior

What is desired behavior

Seeing the label rendered like on the above-linked demo page.

metaleap commented 12 months ago

I can see the feature was introduced after 2.0 release in April.

OK so looking forward to a v2.x update release soonish I hope :wink: