vitmalina / w2ui

UI widgets for modern apps. Data table, forms, toolbars, sidebar, tabs, tooltips, popups. All under 120kb (gzipped).
MIT License
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w2grid column's editable with type='select' work ok in v1.5 but NOT work in v2.0 #2535

Open vinhpt2 opened 3 weeks ago

vinhpt2 commented 3 weeks ago

We now have stuck when update application from w2ui v1.5 to w2ui v2.0 because "w2grid column's editable with type='select' work ok in v1.5 but NOT work in v2.0". Please fix. Thanks!

vinhpt2 commented 3 weeks ago

w2grid column's editable with type='combo' also not work. Type='list' have error: "TypeError: query(...).find(...).focus is not a function at HTMLDivElement. (w2ui.es6.min.js:475:1023)"