vitobotta / hetzner-k3s

The easiest and quickest way to create and manage Kubernetes clusters in Hetzner Cloud using the lightweight distribution k3s by Rancher.
MIT License
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Cannot Upgrade k3s version #327

Open gwadson opened 4 months ago

gwadson commented 4 months ago

Hi, Thanks for the project and your efforts really amazing.

I having issue to upgrade. no matter the version I'm getting the following error:

=== k3s version upgrade ===
error: resource mapping not found for name: "k3s-server" namespace: "system-upgrade" from "STDIN": no matches for kind "Plan" in version ""
ensure CRDs are installed first
Failed to create upgrade plan for controlplane:
error: resource mapping not found for name: "k3s-server" namespace: "system-upgrade" from "STDIN": no matches for kind "Plan" in version ""
ensure CRDs are installed first

After Installation this are the CRD availble

kubectl get crds
NAME                              CREATED AT              2024-03-01T14:31:14Z   2024-03-01T14:31:14Z   2024-03-01T14:31:14Z         2024-03-01T14:31:14Z

Any Idea what could be the reason? Thank you

I using WSL. and here is my cluster definition file.
cluster_name: sis-rnd-cluster
kubeconfig_path: "./kubeconfig"
k3s_version: v1.29.1+k3s2
public_ssh_key_path: "~/.ssh/"
private_ssh_key_path: "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
use_ssh_agent: false # set to true if your key has a passphrase or if SSH connections don't work or seem to hang without agent. See
# ssh_port: 22
  - # ensure your current IP is included in the range
  - # ensure your current IP is included in the range
private_network_subnet: # ensure this doesn't overlap with other networks in the same project
disable_flannel: false # set to true if you want to install a different CNI
schedule_workloads_on_masters: false
# cluster_cidr: # optional: a custom IPv4/IPv6 network CIDR to use for pod IPs
# service_cidr: # optional: a custom IPv4/IPv6 network CIDR to use for service IPs
# cluster_dns: # optional: IPv4 Cluster IP for coredns service. Needs to be an address from the service_cidr range
# enable_public_net_ipv4: false # default is true
# enable_public_net_ipv6: false # default is true
# image: rocky-9 # optional: default is ubuntu-22.04
# autoscaling_image: 103908130 # optional, defaults to the `image` setting
# snapshot_os: microos # optional: specified the os type when using a custom snapshot
cloud_controller_manager_manifest_url: ""
csi_driver_manifest_url: ""
system_upgrade_controller_manifest_url: ""
  instance_type: cpx11
  instance_count: 3
  location: nbg1
- name: small-static
  instance_type: cpx11
  instance_count: 2
  location: nbg1
michaelfresco commented 3 months ago


If you have chance, could you you please run the following command:

$ k get pods -n system-upgrade

A normal output would be 1/1 READY

michaelfresco commented 3 months ago

What's happening, I think, is that the path of the update controller we are currently using, links to an image which is no longer available. But we could use the update controller from the official k3s docs. Note that the URL is different.

hetzner_token: <your token>
cluster_name: test
kubeconfig_path: "./kubeconfig"
k3s_version: v1.26.4+k3s1
public_ssh_key_path: "~/.ssh/"
private_ssh_key_path: "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
use_ssh_agent: false # ...
disable_flannel: false
schedule_workloads_on_masters: false
system_upgrade_controller_manifest_url: ""
  instance_type: cpx21
  instance_count: 3
  location: nbg1
vitobotta commented 3 months ago

Thanks @michaelfresco - I will see if I can update the tool this coming week to handle this properly.

vitobotta commented 3 months ago

I have fixed the setup of the System Upgrade Controller in main and this fix will come with the next release. I have tested fine but if any of you has a chance to double check that it's working as expected that would be nice.

vitobotta commented 3 months ago
