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Implemented video list display using ScrollView. #18

Closed KeisukeKatagiri closed 9 months ago

KeisukeKatagiri commented 10 months ago

Implemented video list display using ScrollView.

KeisukeKatagiri commented 9 months ago
module Page.MovieList.MovieList exposing (..)

import Task
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Element exposing (..)
import Element.Font as Font
import Element.Input as Input
import Element.Background as Background
import Browser
import Browser.Dom exposing (Viewport)
import Browser.Events as E

main : Program () Model Msg
main =
        handleResult v =
            case v of
                Err _ ->

                Ok vp ->
                    GotInitialViewport vp
        { init = \_ -> ( initialModel, Task.attempt handleResult Browser.Dom.getViewport )
        , view = videoListElement
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions

subscriptions : a -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ =
    E.onResize (\w h -> Resize ( toFloat w, toFloat h ))

type alias Movie =
    { movieTitle : String
    , movieUrl : String
    , movieSortNo : Int-- add id
type alias Movies =
    { listSortNo : Int -- add id
    , listTitle : String
    , movieData : List Movie
type alias MovieList =
    List Movies

type alias Model =
    { width : Float
    , height : Float
    , movieList : MovieList }

-- MovieData
list1_Movies : { listTitle : String, movieData : List { movieTitle : String, movieUrl : String, movieSortNo : number }, listSortNo : number }
list1_Movies =
    { listSortNo = 0
    , listTitle = "git講習"
    , movieData = [
        {movieTitle = "基本コマンド1" 
            , movieUrl = "Js_8xBDhhwE"
            , movieSortNo = 0 }
        , {movieTitle = "基本コマンド2"
            , movieUrl = "eZ9M16REQiQ"
            , movieSortNo = 1 }
        , {movieTitle = "GitHub_1"
            , movieUrl = "laz2u--LoTg"
            , movieSortNo = 2 }
        , {movieTitle = "GitHub_2"
            , movieUrl = "tHZ9yR8I81w"
            , movieSortNo = 3 }
        , {movieTitle = "git内部の仕組み"
            , movieUrl = "qLyUayBh-T8"
            , movieSortNo = 4 }
list2_Movies : { listSortNo : number, listTitle : String, movieData : List { movieTitle : String, movieUrl : String, movieSortNo : number } }
list2_Movies =
    { listSortNo = 1
    , listTitle = "プログラミングパラダイム講習"
    , movieData = [
        {movieTitle = "古代ギリシャ-中世編" 
            , movieUrl = "kvOPZVjBsNA"
            , movieSortNo = 0 }
        , {movieTitle = "OOP-論理は物質の手足" 
            , movieUrl = "B3mgmghlEKY"
            , movieSortNo = 1 }
       , {movieTitle = "論理世界への一元化" 
            , movieUrl = "ClyBlJ8LCQg"
            , movieSortNo = 2 }
        , {movieTitle = "論理のみの世界 関数型パラダイム" 
            , movieUrl = "NGrLa92DHlc"
            , movieSortNo = 3 }
list3_Movies : { listSortNo : number, listTitle : String, movieData : List { movieTitle : String, movieUrl : String, movieSortNo : number } }
list3_Movies =
    { listSortNo = 2
    , listTitle = "ゲーム講習"
    , movieData = [
        {movieTitle = "【初歩編】第1回" 
            , movieUrl = "Ht6R3OosXDk"
            , movieSortNo = 0 }
       , {movieTitle = "【初歩編】第2回" 
            , movieUrl = "9g-NnkrScng"
            , movieSortNo = 1 }
        , {movieTitle = "【初歩編】第3回" 
            , movieUrl = "f2SZjtkPF2Q"
            , movieSortNo = 2 }
        , {movieTitle = "【初歩編】第4回" 
            , movieUrl = "x4wB8ET-57Y"
            , movieSortNo = 3 }
        , {movieTitle = "番外編 プランナー編"
            , movieUrl = "7OvNuawE9ys"
            , movieSortNo = 4 }
        , {movieTitle = "番外編 インストラクター編"
            , movieUrl = "ZN9ywfx6XS4"
            , movieSortNo = 5 }
list4_Movies : { listSortNo : number, listTitle : String, movieData : List { movieTitle : String, movieUrl : String, movieSortNo : number } }
list4_Movies =
    { listSortNo = 3
    , listTitle = "System Design講習"
    , movieData = [
        {movieTitle = "part1"
            , movieUrl = "CVHci7zRaw4"
            , movieSortNo = 0 }
        , {movieTitle = "part2"
            , movieUrl = "62x0qPk7W24"
            , movieSortNo = 1 }
        , {movieTitle = "part3"
            , movieUrl = "Nixcc9fmTqQ"
            , movieSortNo = 2 }

-- Initialize
initialModel =
    { width = 0
    , height = 0
    , movieList = [
        , list2_Movies
        , list3_Movies
        , list4_Movies

type Msg
    = NoOp
    | GotInitialViewport Viewport
    | Resize ( Float, Float )

setCurrentDimensions : { a | width : b, height : c } -> ( b, c ) -> { a | width : b, height : c }
setCurrentDimensions model ( w, h ) =
    { model | width = w, height = h }

update : Msg -> { a | width : Float, height : Float } -> ( { a | width : Float, height : Float }, Cmd msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        GotInitialViewport vp ->
            ( setCurrentDimensions model ( vp.scene.width, vp.scene.height ), Cmd.none )

        Resize ( w, h ) ->
            ( setCurrentDimensions model ( w, h ), Cmd.none )

        NoOp ->
            ( model, Cmd.none )

videoframe : String -> Float -> Float -> Html msg
videoframe url mainScreenWidth mainScreenheight=
        [ Html.Attributes.width ( videoWindowWidth mainScreenWidth )--560
        , Html.Attributes.height ( videoWindowHeight mainScreenheight )--315
        , src ("" ++ url)
        , attribute "frameborder" "0"
        , attribute "allowfullscreen" "True"

chabgeToElement : Html msg -> Element msg
chabgeToElement msg =
    -- Change from Html to Element
    html msg

-- HeaderButoon template
butoonFontSize : Float -> Int
butoonFontSize width=
  round width // 70

topPaddingXY : { x : number, y : number }
topPaddingXY =
  { x = 35
  , y = 70}

aboutPaddingXY : { x : number, y : number }
aboutPaddingXY =
  { x = 50
  , y = 70}

contentsPaddingXY : { x : number, y : number }
contentsPaddingXY =
  { x = 20
  , y = 70}

contactPaddingXY : { x : number, y : number }
contactPaddingXY =
  { x = 60
  , y = 70}

headerButoon : { a | width : Float, height : Float } -> { b | x : Int, y : Int } -> String -> Element c
headerButoon model paddingXYValue label=
  column [ Element.width <| px ( round model.width // 10 )] [
    Input.button[ paddingXY ( round model.width // paddingXYValue.x ) ( round model.height // paddingXYValue.y )
      , spacing ( round model.height // 60 )
      , Element.width <| px ( round model.width // 12 )
      , Element.height fill
      , Background.color ( rgb255 211 211 211 )
      , Font.color ( rgb255 0 0 0 )
      , Font.size ( butoonFontSize model.width )
      , centerX
      , centerY
    { label = Element.text <| label
      , onPress = Nothing

-- Video Fixed value
videoTitleFontSize : Float -> Int
videoTitleFontSize mainScreenWidth=
      round mainScreenWidth // 50

videoWindowWidth : Float -> Int
videoWindowWidth mainScreenWidth=
      ( round mainScreenWidth - round mainScreenWidth // 7 ) // 3

videoWindowHeight : Float -> Int
videoWindowHeight mainScreenHeight=
      round mainScreenHeight // 2

-- Footer Fixed value
footerFontSize : Float -> Int
footerFontSize mainScreenWidth =
    round mainScreenWidth // 70

footerHeight : Float -> Int
footerHeight mainScreenHeight =
    round mainScreenHeight // 13

footerPadding : { top : number, left : number, right : number, bottom : number }
footerPadding =
    { top = 0
    , left = 10
    , right = 10
    , bottom = 30 }

videoListElement : { a | width : Float, height : Float, movieList : List { b | listTitle : String, movieData : List { c | movieTitle : String, movieUrl : String } } } -> Html msg
videoListElement model=
            contentsList =
                column [ Element.width <| px ( round model.width // 6 ) ] [
                    Input.button[ paddingXY ( round model.width // contentsPaddingXY.x ) ( round model.height // contentsPaddingXY.y )
                      , spacing ( round model.height // 60 )
                      , Element.width <| px ( round model.width // 6 )
                      , Background.color ( rgb255 211 211 211 )
                      , Font.color ( rgb255 0 0 0 )
                      , Font.size ( butoonFontSize model.width )
                      , centerX
                      , centerY
                    { label = Element.text <| "Contents"
                    , onPress = Nothing
            setMovie movies = 
                column[ Element.width fill ][
                    column[ paddingEach { top = 30
                        , left = 50
                        , right = 0
                        , bottom = 0 }
                        , Font.size ( videoTitleFontSize model.width)
                        , Font.heavy ][
                            Element.text (movies.listTitle)
                    , row [ Element.width fill ][
                        row[ paddingXY 15 0][
                            Input.button[ Font.color ( rgb255 0 0 0 )
                                , centerX
                                , centerY
                            { label = 
                                Element.image [ Element.width <| px ( round model.width // 40 )
                                    , Element.height <| px ( round model.width // 40 )
                                    , centerX
                                    , centerY ]
                                    { src = "../../Picture/Left.png"
                                    , description = "button_left"
                            , onPress = Nothing
                        , row[Element.width fill
                            , scrollbarY]( assumption movies.movieData)
                        , row[ paddingXY 15 0][
                            Input.button[ Font.color ( rgb255 0 0 0 )
                                , centerX
                                , centerY
                            { label = 
                                Element.image [ Element.width <| px ( round model.width // 40 )
                                    , Element.height <| px ( round model.width // 40 )
                                    , centerX
                                    , centerY ]
                                    { src = "../../Picture/Right.png"
                                    , description = "button_right" 
                                , onPress = Nothing
            assumption movieList =
                row [ Element.width fill ][
                    column[ paddingXY ( round model.width // 80 ) ( round model.height // 30 )
                        , spacing 3
                        , centerX
                        , centerY ][
                        row[ Font.size ( videoTitleFontSize model.width ) ][
                            Element.text movieList.movieTitle
                        , row[ Background.color ( rgb255 128 128 128 )
                            , Font.color ( rgb255 0 0 0 )
                            , Font.size ( videoTitleFontSize model.width )
                            chabgeToElement( videoframe movieList.movieUrl model.width model.height)

        layout [ Element.width fill
            , Element.height fill ] <|
            column[ Element.width fill
                , Element.height fill ][
                -- Header
                column[ Element.width fill ][
                    row [ Element.width fill
                        , Element.height <| px ( round model.height // 15 )
                        column [ Element.width <| px ( round model.width // 30 ) ] [ 
                        -- Since I want it to be square, I use "height" and "width".
                            Element.image [ Element.width <| px ( round model.width // 40 )
                            , Element.height <| px ( round model.width // 40 )
                            , centerX
                            , centerY ]
                            { src = "../../Picture/elm_logo.png"
                            , description = "elm_logo" }
                        , column [ Element.width fill] []
                        , headerButoon model topPaddingXY "Top"
                        , headerButoon model aboutPaddingXY "About"
                        , contentsList
                        , headerButoon model contactPaddingXY "Contact"
                        , column [ Element.width <| px ( round model.width // 100 ) ] [ ]
                -- Video
                , column [ scrollbarY
                    , Element.width fill
                    , Element.height <| px 
                    (round model.height 
                    - round model.height // 15 
                    - round model.height // 13)][
                        column[Element.width fill][
                            column [ Element.width fill ]
                            ( setMovie model.movieList )
                -- Footer
                , column [Element.width fill][
                    row [Element.width fill][
                        el[ Background.color ( rgb255 128 128 128 )
                        , Font.color ( rgb255 0 0 0 )
                        , Font.size ( footerFontSize model.width )
                        , paddingEach footerPadding
                        , Element.width fill
                        , Element.height <| px ( footerHeight model.height )
                        ( Element.text 
                        """© 2023 React Inc. All Rights Reserved.\nI'm happy! thank you!""")
BeerShigachi commented 9 months ago

achieved original purpose by using element-ui