vitormhenrique / OctoPrint-Enclosure

OctoPrint Enclosure Plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
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temp_hum_control cooler Auto Startup (when print finishes) #416

Open wickedbeernut opened 3 years ago

wickedbeernut commented 3 years ago

The Enclosure plugin 'temp_hum_control' controllers currently support several practical startup and shutdown options,

Please add an option to automatically turn on a 'cooler' controller output when the print finishes,

The controller would cool until the target temperature (temp_ctr_set_value) or a maximum (configured) duration is reached.

This would be used in conjunction with a heatbed cooling fan or an air purifier (e.g., HEPA / activated-carbon filter) to purge the air from an enclosure.

Refer to the "temp_hum_control cooler heatbed Temperature Sensor" feature request.

Dak0r commented 3 years ago

I'd like to see something like set [on / off] on [Printer Event Type] with[] being options to choose from.

Printer Event Types could be "Print Started", "Print Finished", "On Error". This would allow to trigger an enclosure fan on print finish (for which I'm currently using a different plugin) but also an Automatic Power-Off on Error or unexpected disconnect, which would be a huge safety improvement IMO. Haven't found a plugin that does this for Pi GPIOs, yet.

That said, this would make the feature a lot more complicated, than just adding another toggle

wickedbeernut commented 3 years ago

I'm certainly not opposed to satisfying this feature request in the context of a more general framework. However, I'm looking for more than just toggling an output on and off. I'm looking to enable a cooler controller until a target temperature is reached or a maximum period of time has elapsed at which time the controller would be disabled. I think this could be generalized to heater and dehumidifier controllers. For example, how about preheating the enclosure and/or filament dryers to a target temperature before a print starts? This could be accomplished using your proposed framework, we'd just need "set" values other than Output On and Output Off (e.g., Control to Target, Control for Time, Control to Target with Timeout, ...).

By the way @Dak0r, on a related subject, did you read my suggestion to add target temperatures and humidities to your octoprint.comm.protocol.temperatures.received hook? This is in support of Enclosure plugin heater, cooler and dehumidifier controllers.