vitotai / BrewManiacEsp8266

BrewManiac on ESP8266. Only ESP8266 needed.
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No way to skip step or end brew manually and Heat@Pump for mash only #118

Open jimhiggs opened 1 year ago

jimhiggs commented 1 year ago

I found BrewManiac when looking for non pi alternatives for Craftbeerpi or Brewpi. I bought a Grainfather S40 and want better heat control. Looked at others but BrewManiac seems to be what I was looking for. A couple of things that I miss.

  1. There seems to be no way to skip a step when in Auto.
  2. The only way I can see to stop a brew session or restart is to pull the plug is that right?
  3. For both it would be nice if these buttons existed when in Pause.
  4. Heat@Pump is a really useful feature. In my 3 vessel system running CraftbeerPi I use a probe in the recirc tube to control mash temp and when turning off the pump have managed to overheat the mash. But I don't run the pump during boil so I would like to implement Heat@Pump only during mash modes in Auto and maybe not at all in manual. I will start looking at the code to see if I can adapt it myself.
vitotai commented 1 year ago
  1. LONG PRESS the "STP" button. Then you can skip current step.
  2. Press "UP" and "DOWN" simultaneously will bring you to the "main" screen at any time.
  3. I don't understand what you mean.
  4. After implemented Heat@Pump, I switched to another setup that doesn't need this feature. Therefore, I haven't tested it in a real brew. I think you can modify the code around line 2062@BrewManiac.cpp from if(readSetting(PS_HeatOnPump)){ ... to if(!_isPIDMode && readSetting(PS_HeatOnPump)){ ...

_isPIDMode would be false during boiling stage while it is true during mashing stages.

frank-nobrega commented 1 year ago

In the settings section of BrewManiac you can scroll down to Pump on Boil and turn it off.

jimhiggs commented 1 year ago

@frank-nobrega Yes I know but once running in manual or auto you cant edit settings can you @vitotai Thanks for the answer to 1 & 2. Dont know how I missed this.

  1. While in pause only one button is defined (exit) I was thinking 1 could be used for skip step and 1 for Quit to main menu. But your answer to 1 & 2 provides the function.
  2. I will give this a try.
jimhiggs commented 1 year ago

@vitotai in 4 above I think you meant if(_isPIDMode && readSetting(PS_HeatOnPump)){ ... (not !_isPIDMode) Works great.

vitotai commented 1 year ago

@jimhiggs My bad. You are 100% right. I might have had too much beer last night.