vitotai / BrewManiacEsp8266

BrewManiac on ESP8266. Only ESP8266 needed.
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Automation page Fahrenheit Issues #2

Open jbabli opened 7 years ago

jbabli commented 7 years ago

1) On the Automation page, if the temperature is configured for Fahrenheit, the temperatures in the Mash Schedule don’t display right. Upon editing the Mash Schedule temperatures and clicking save, the Mash Schedule will show the temperature that was just changed either correct or not, but the other temperatures are way too high. The temperatures are being multiplied by 1.8 and having 32 added to them. It is as if the temperature are thought to be in Celcius, so they are being converted to Fahrenheit when the don’t need to be.

2) Another issue that happens in the Automation page is that after making several changes and saving, an error starts happening when saving. The pop up error box says “Error saving automation, server response:Bad Request”. To see this error, edit a mash schedule temperature or time, save it. Then repeat this several times and the error will start occurring.

vitotai commented 7 years ago
  1. The handling of Fahrenheit is a mess. It should be rewritten.
  2. The cause is misunderstanding of ArduinoJSON library.

They will be fixed ASAP.