vitotai / BrewManiacEsp8266

BrewManiac on ESP8266. Only ESP8266 needed.
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Can't save recipes #5

Closed allthepies closed 7 years ago

allthepies commented 7 years ago

Love the s/w Vito, got it up and running on a NodeMCU.

However, when I load in a beerXML file it renders fine but attempting to save it gives an alert popup with the text "Error saving recipe:500". The serial output at the same time is "File UL Failed:/R/CitraGold"

BeerXML file attached.


Screenshot also attached.


Edit: I should mention that I'm building the binary in the ArduinoIDE rather than using the pre-built binary image. So if there are any specific settings I need e.g. SPIFFS size etc at build time then let me know. The target is also a NodeMCU ESP12E rather than a Wemos D1 Mini.

Looking at the code, isn't the place the recipe is written to SPIFFS in RecipeFileHandler::handleUpload ?

If so, this method doesn't seem to be referenced anywhere else and the method which is throwing the "File UL Failed:/R/CitraGold" error, handleRequest just looks for existence of the file and if not present then returns the 500 error I'm seeing. I must be missing something :)

vitotai commented 7 years ago

The code just opens the file "/R/CitraGold" and writes the content. Therefore, the original file, if exists, will be overwritten.

I've tested the XML. Just like what I have guessed, there might be something wrong with SPIFFS. That means that you might need to format the SPIFFS and try again.

allthepies commented 7 years ago

Reformatted SPIFFS and after restart + reloading of all the web content I get exactly the same result, the 500 error and same error in the serial log.

I don't understand how the handleUpload function is being invoked, this seems to create the file in SPIFFS but how is it invoked ? I can see how the 500 error I'm seeing occurs, from the following code, invoked when a the UPLOAD_PATH URL is requested.

}else if(request->url() == UPLOAD_PATH){ if( request->hasParam("file",true,true)){ String file=request->getParam("file", true, true)->value(); if(accessAllow(file,WRITE_MASK)){ if( SPIFFS.exists(file)){ DBG_PRINTF("File UL success:%s\n",file.c_str()); request->send(200, "", "{}"); }else{ DBG_PRINTF("File UL Failed:%s\n",file.c_str()); request->send(500); } }else{ request->send(401); DBG_PRINTF("File UL not allowed:%s\n",file.c_str()); } }else{ DBG_PRINTF("miss file in req."); request->send(404); }

That code doesn't actually seem to upload anything, it just checks to see if the file already exists and if it doesn't then returns a 500 error.

Is this the right code version ? Sorry about code formatting, git playing up.

Edit: From some quick research I see that the handleUpload is invoked as part of the ESPAsyncWebServer state process. I'll add some debug and see if it's being invoked in my case. Perhaps I have a different version.

allthepies commented 7 years ago

Yes, that's it. The ESPAsyncWebServer version I have doesn't invoke the handleUpload method when I click on the save button. Very odd.

vitotai commented 7 years ago

That's odd. I found that adapting new library introduced new issues, so I ended up keeping old version.

allthepies commented 7 years ago

Vito, I've reverted to using your library copies of the Async TCP lib + Webserver and now recipe saving works!

I do have a recipe based question though.

When I load a beerXML recipe in which has the strike (mash-in) temperature identified in the mash tag then BM is ignoring this value and calculating the mash-in temperature as per the recipe options settings. Can't you include an option to use the beerXML supplied value ?

I guess this would apply to a MASH_STEP with TYPE = Infusion

vitotai commented 7 years ago

INFUSE_TEMP is optional. It's text type and more like for display. It can be done, easily, though. Ok. I've already done it by using a preference option.

allthepies commented 7 years ago

Great, thanks! That will be useful for people like me who create the whole recipe / mash profile in s/w like BeerSmith and then export the BeerXML into BM. Everything is then set as it was in BeerSmith.

allthepies commented 7 years ago

Fixed in v0.2.5 of web components.