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D1 mini board only - howto buttons? #54

Open arjepsen opened 5 years ago

arjepsen commented 5 years ago

Hey. I'm trying to get this thing to work, and are working my way around the coding. I've set:

define BUTTON_USE_EXT false

in pins.h, since I'm not using the pcf8574, but I'm unsure about how to use the remaining pins for the buttons. I'm not using a buzzer either, so I'm trying to set it up to use D0, D8, D3 and D4 for the buttons. The codes compiles and uploads without a problem, but when I short those pins to ground, nothing happens. Also, if I go the web interface, and push Manual, and then No, the text start looping fast, so something is running in circles.... Any help?

arjepsen commented 5 years ago

Does this count for the brewmaniacex code too? I just tried it again - downloaded the code from scratch, only change is setting #define BUTTON_USE_EXT to false in pins.h It compiles and uploads fine, and seems to come up working. However, when I short pin D3 to gnd, nothing happens. When I short D4 to ground, the blue diode lights up - but nothing else. Nothing changes on the lcd. Do I need to make other changes, since I'm using the wemos D1 mini?

jamesgol commented 4 years ago

I've been testing this with a wemos d1 mini board and had a similar problem. It looks like if any of the pins are in a funky state then it causes all of them not to work (the code thinks multiple buttons are pushed ie "fat finger" mode). Enabling BUTTON_DEBUG helps track this down.
Using D3, D4, D5, and D6 worked fine for me. D0 resulted in the cycling behavior, D7 and D8 just caused the "fat finger" failure. I did not test D1 and D2 since my LCD is hooked there

vitotai commented 4 years ago

I am sorry for misunderstanding. Some references:

D8 should be pulled GROUND. You can check the schema of D1 mini. D7 should work fine. I don't know why it doesn't work for you. D0 is a special pin which doesn't have internal pull up. If you pull it up externally, it might work. However, I am not sure if that would cause other issue during booting.