vitotai / BrewPiLess

Use an ESP8266 to replace RPI and Arduino. Running BrewPi without Pi, therefore, BrewPi-Less
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ESP32 OLED dont start #379

Closed Radahell closed 1 year ago

Radahell commented 1 year ago

Hi, Can anyone help me? Im forced to use another pin to SDA in ESP32, but doesnt working, im triyng use PIN22 to SDA and PIN23 to SCL, in another simple test code the OLED work with the same board, when i use this code for example :

Adafruit_SSD1306 display(-1); void setup()
{ Wire.begin(22,23);
// initialize with the I2C addr 0x3C display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C); . . .

So i tryed changed and reorganizing to eliminate pins conflicts in config.h, but only OLED still not working:

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Pin Configuration - Change the settings below to match your individual pinout // // pins

ifdef ESP32

define PIN_SDA 22

define PIN_SCL 23

define oneWirePin 35

define actuatorPin1 21

define actuatorPin2 19

define actuatorPin3 18

define actuatorPin4 5

define actuatorPin5 26


define actuatorPin6 27

define fanPin 15

define doorPin 34

define BuzzPin 4


define BuzzPin 14


// 34,35,66,39 input only

define rotaryAPin 32

define rotaryBPin 33

define rotarySwitchPin 13

// Only ADC1 (pin 32~39) is allowed

define PressureAdcPin 36

Im going crazy because in ESP8266 works good with the same OLED, and i dont find the part of the code with i need changed to work in ESP32 too.

When i use BP v4.0pre, the OLED start, with bugs, but start;

Im using one board type IOT, composed by one esp32 + 4 x relay module, the system of BP its working good in this board, including with ISpindel, my only problem is the OLED dont start/work. So, someone have an idea? Thank you so far.

Radahell commented 1 year ago

I finally do it, its wooorking!! If somene need too, In BrewPiless.cpp, just add:

"Wire.begin(22,23);" or "Wire.begin(PIN_SDA,PIN_SCL);"

In void setup(void): . . . void setup(void){

Wire.begin(PIN_SDA,PIN_SCL); //manual add

#if SerialDebug == true

. . .