Open ce-designs opened 1 week ago
I found a workaround by using the MQTT reporting option. My BPL now reports to my Home Assistant (HA). In HA I created some MQTT sensors for receiving the temperatures and gravity and created an automation which posts the values to Brewfather by using the Restful Command integration.
Using HA allows me to set up more advanced ways of monitoring and reporting, so I will stick to using this method. The downside is that things have gotten more complex to set up and maintain. Also more things could potentially break the setup, but I'm willing to take that risk for gaining all the extra options HA is offering.
Yesterday I updated my NodeMcu (ESP8266) from v4.2 to v4.4, but the remote logging to Brewfather doesn't seem to be working. I used this binary: BrewPiLess.v4.4.4m2m.bin In v4.2 the logging worked perfectly, so I used the same settings as in v4.2:
I also tried the Generic HTTP method, but this also doesn't work. It works fine when I use Postman to send a post request to Brewfather with the specified JSON, so the error is either in the BPL software or somewhere in my network. But seems unlikely that the problem is network related, since I made no changes to it.
Could you please help out?