vitotai / BrewPiLessGx

BrewPiLess with touched TFT.
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Support for WT32-SC01 plus #4

Open troky opened 4 months ago

troky commented 4 months ago

Is it possible to add support for WT32-SC01 Plus ? It is ESP32-WROVER-2-N8R2 based board with ST7796UI 3.5" 480*320 LCD and I2C FT6336U touch. It has 6 GPIO available.

I can help with implementation if you could just create some basic skeleton/env (e.g. add defines and config params...) for it.

vitotai commented 4 months ago

It seems a better module that I wish I had found it. Or, maybe I've seen it, but I couldn't find the schematics and have no idea how to use it. Any way, You can try this branch for generic display drivers that are supported by ArduinoGFX library.

You will need to add a ST7796 driver in src/esp32/lv_disp.cpp like line 14~16 for ST7789.

Then you will have to add some code to defines the parameters of the driver and TFT in src/esp32/lv_drv_conf.h You need to know the pins of SPI and bus speed. Rotation might be something you need to try, as well as TFT_IPS, which seems to affect color, like reversed color.

For touch driver, it seems to be more complicated. I haven't found a library of touch drivers. So you will have to figure out it by yourself by referencing src/esp32/lv_touch.cpp

troky commented 4 months ago

I made it work (touchpad, too)... I added to lib_deps and made driver for it:


#ifdef SC01_PLUS

#include <lvgl.h>

#include "PanelLan.h" 

#define BUFFER_SIZE (320 *10)

PanelLan tft(BOARD_SC01_PLUS);

/*** Setup screen resolution for LVGL ***/
static const uint16_t screenWidth = 480;
static const uint16_t screenHeight = 320;
static lv_disp_draw_buf_t draw_buf;
static lv_color_t buf[screenWidth * 10];

//static int32_t x, y;

 /*** Display callback to flush the buffer to screen ***/
  void display_flush(lv_disp_drv_t * disp, const lv_area_t *area, lv_color_t *color_p)
    uint32_t w = (area->x2 - area->x1 + 1);
    uint32_t h = (area->y2 - area->y1 + 1);

    tft.setAddrWindow(area->x1, area->y1, w, h);
    tft.pushColors((uint16_t *)&color_p->full, w * h, true);


  /*** Touchpad callback to read the touchpad ***/
  void touchpad_read(lv_indev_drv_t * indev_driver, lv_indev_data_t * data)
    uint16_t touchX, touchY;
    bool touched = tft.getTouch(&touchX, &touchY);

    if (!touched)
      data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_REL;
      data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_PR;

      /*Set the coordinates*/
      data->point.x = touchX;
      data->point.y = touchY;

      // Serial.printf("Touch (x,y): (%03d,%03d)\n",touchX,touchY );

void display_setup()
   // Init Display


   // Setting display to landscape
   if (tft.width() < tft.height()) {
      tft.setRotation(tft.getRotation() ^ 1);

   /* LVGL : Setting up buffer to use for display */
   lv_disp_draw_buf_init(&draw_buf, buf, NULL, screenWidth * 10);

   /*** LVGL : Setup & Initialize the display device driver ***/
   static lv_disp_drv_t disp_drv;
   disp_drv.hor_res = screenWidth;
   disp_drv.ver_res = screenHeight;
   disp_drv.flush_cb = display_flush;
   disp_drv.draw_buf = &draw_buf;

   /*** LVGL : Setup & Initialize the input device driver ***/
   static lv_indev_drv_t indev_drv;
   indev_drv.type = LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER;
   indev_drv.read_cb = touchpad_read;

.. pretty simple :)

I suggest you move each driver in separate .cpp file (maybe in drivers/folder?) and enclose its code in #ifdef..#endif Each driver should have display_init() for initialization and display_flush() and touchpad_read() callbacks

Of course some changes are needed in Config.h... but one step at the time. Config is a bit messy - BP(L) logic and features and hardware config should be separated for easier additio of new platforms without interrupting core BP logic.

troky commented 4 months ago

forgot to add platfomio.ini env:

platform = ${common_env_data.esp32_framework}
framework = arduino

;board = wt32-sc01-plus
board = unphone8 
board_build.mcu = esp32s3
board_build.arduino.memory_type = qio_qspi 

lib_extra_dirs = 

lib_deps = ${common_env_data.lib_deps_external_esp32} 

lib_ignore = esp32_smartdisplay

board_build.partitions = ./partition.csv
board_build.embed_txtfiles = 

board_build.filesystem = littlefs

build_unflags = -DARDUINO_USB_MODE=1
build_flags =

monitor_speed = 115200
upload_speed = 921600

upload_port = COM13
monitor_port = COM13

monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder
vitotai commented 4 months ago

I suggest you move each driver in separate .cpp file (maybe in drivers/folder?) and enclose its code in #ifdef..#endif Each driver should have display_init() for initialization and display_flush() and touchpad_read() callbacks

Of course some changes are needed in Config.h... but one step at the time. Config is a bit messy - BP(L) logic and features and hardware config should be separated for easier additio of new platforms without interrupting core BP logic.

Yeah, I am currently reorganize the source to make it easier to configure.