vittorioexp / Sim800L-Arduino-Library-revised

The SIM800L Arduino Library is a simple and easy-to-use library for the SIM800L module, allowing for quick and efficient communication with the module using the Arduino platform.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not working? (fixed) #2

Open jankluiver opened 7 years ago

jankluiver commented 7 years ago

Perhaps a personal issue, but I can't get the library to work.

I have a MEGA that talks via SoftwareSerial (10,11) to my SIM800L on 9600 using AT commands. So HW and SW Serial is OK.

I uploaded your library in IDE and tried several examples. It does not work. In the example below it does not even print normal text to monitor.

I really like the functionality you created. So it was a little disappointment that it did not work. Not sure what it is. I have used libraries many times, normally it works (almost) out of the box.

Any suggestion?

KR, Jan



define RX 10

define TX 11

Sim800L GSM(RX, TX);

void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); GSM.begin(9600);
Serial.println("GET PRODUCT INFO: "); Serial.println(GSM.getProductInfo()); } void loop(){ }

arthurmolina commented 7 years ago

I made a pull request to fix it. The changes are only in begin() methods.

vittorioexp commented 7 years ago

I released a new version (1.1.2). Does it work for you now?

jankluiver commented 7 years ago

Hello Vittorio,

First of all: thank you (and Arthur) so much for the effort of creating the library and addressing my issue.

I wanted to try it last night, but ran out of time. I will try it today (probably tonight) and will let you know.

Kind regards,


Op 20-5-2017 om 06:32 schreef Vittorio Esposito:

Do it work for you now?

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jankluiver commented 7 years ago

Hello Vittorio,

A first update. The (SW) serial port works now.

I still have some problems with the library. Need to investigate further what the cause is (possible causes: bad breadboard connections, weak GSM signal).

I set both comms op 9600 (in the examples you use 4800 for SIM800L).

Interim result Send SMS: works fine Info: provides sometimes info, but not consistent GSM Coordinates: some output, but no coordinates RTC: comes back with date : 1/1/4 -> default date SIM800L; does not use/get the time from GSM.

I have written Arduino code (not in a library) to extract GSM coordinates, date, time, battery voltage and battery level from the SIM800L. My SIM800L code works fine, but it is part of a long program. So I still would like to move the SIM800L functionality to a library to make the main code smaller (easier to read). I have no experience with writing library code.

I will do some more testing, hopefully tomorrow, and send you the results.

Kind regards,


Op 20-5-2017 om 07:51 schreef Jan Kluiver:

Hello Vittorio,

First of all: thank you (and Arthur) so much for the effort of creating the library and addressing my issue.

I wanted to try it last night, but ran out of time. I will try it today (probably tonight) and will let you know.

Kind regards,


Op 20-5-2017 om 06:32 schreef Vittorio Esposito:

Do it work for you now?

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vittorioexp commented 7 years ago

Hi Jan,

Thanks for the work of testing and reporting you are doing.

Does it work if you try to get the product info, the operators list, or the operator you are connected to? I'm talking about "getInformations" example sketch. And what do the functions return?

To get GSM coordinates you should first calculate them with "calculateLocation()". Now i try to send the at command to get coords in a different way (see v. 1.1.3). Eventually, try to read the returns of AT+CIPGSMLOC=1,1\r\n;.

I took RTC functions from the original version of the library by Cristian Steib ( so we should ask him.

If you want, we can add your code ( to extract GSM coordinates, date, time, battery voltage and battery level from the SIM800L) into the library to replace the old not-working functions.

Kind regards,


jankluiver commented 7 years ago

Hi Vittorio,

Many thanks for your mail and suggestions.

In some experiments I got the list of telecom operators printed. But often there was no response or the text was mutilated (incorrect characters in the text). I am living in an area with weak GSM signal. That could be a reason. It could also be a bad connection (wiring) on the breadboard. Or perhaps a mix or another reason.

I am not a specialist in this, so I am not sure if my code is the best way to extract the data from the returned AT answer. But I have used it over thouand times and without any error. I am happy to share the code if it can be integrated in the library. Personally I very much like the battery status function. I use it to show the battery status on a display, but it can also be used to report the battery status by SMS.

I am working on something else at the moment, but I will give you detailed test feedback and my code. Hopefully later today, otherwise in the coming week.

Kind regards,


Op 20-5-2017 om 22:28 schreef Vittorio Esposito:

Hi Jan,

Thanks for the work of testing and reporting you are doing.

Does it work if you try to get the product info, the operators list, or the operator you are connected to? I'm talking about "getInformations" example sketch. And what do the functions return?

To get GSM coordinates you should first calculate them with "calculateLocation()". Now i try to send the at command to get coords in a different way (see v. 1.1.3). Eventually, try to read the returns of /AT+CIPGSMLOC=1,1\r\n;/.

I took RTC functions from the original version of the library by Cristian Steib ( so we should ask him.

If you want, we can add your code ( to extract GSM coordinates, date, time, battery voltage and battery level from the SIM800L) into the library to replace the old not-working functions.

Kind regards,


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jankluiver commented 7 years ago

Hi Vittorio,

Send SMS is working fine. Which means that all HW and the GSM network are OK.

I have problems with all other example programs. GetInformation works a little bit. The rest does not.

I added my code in the document. As mentioned, I never created a library myself.

For me my current solution works, but it would be nice to hide all the code in a library.

Best regards,


Op 20-5-2017 om 06:32 schreef Vittorio Esposito:

Do it work for you now?

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vittorioexp commented 7 years ago

Hi Jan,

Can you please paste here what does "get information" returns?

Where is the document you mentioned, which contains the code that can be added to the library?


jankluiver commented 7 years ago

Hi Vittorio,

Could you open the Word attachment, or did it not arrive?

This is what is in the Word document (with some screenshots because Arduino monitor did not let me copy characters some times):

My own code (location, date, battery) is at the end, with a header.

Test Report SIM800L Library

Test configuration

SIM800L running on 4.0V

Arduino MEGA 2560

Software Serial RX=10 ; TX=11

Serial comms 9600

Library Example 1: Send Sms: works

Tested 3x

Library Example 2: Get Informations

Attempt 2.1:


+COPS: (2,"T-Mobile NL","TMO N","20416"),(3,"KPN MOBILE","NL KPN","20408"),(3,"vodafone","voda NL","20404"),,(0-4),(0-2)





Attempt 2.2 (closed and opened monitor window):

Attempt 2.3 (reset on Arduino):

Same as 2.2

Attempt 2.4 (closed and opened monitor window):

Same as 2.2

Attempt 2.5 (disconnected power from SIM800L & Arduino for reset)

_Example Library 3 : GSM_Coordinates_

Attempt 3.1:

Attempt 3.2 (close and open monitor window): same as 3.1

Attempt 3.3 (reset button Arduino): same as 3.1

Attempt 3.4 (remove power):

Location Calculated

Location Code: ,1


Longitude: 1



Longitude: AT+CIPGSMLOC=1

Example Library 4: GetTimeRTC

Attempt 4.1:

Date defaults to 1 January 2004 : is default SIM800L???

SIM800L was locked to GSM network

Time: has nothing to do with local time (16:57 at the moment of testing).

Attempt 4.3 After removing power:

Time is seconds after start Arduino.

Example Library 5: UpdateRTC with GSM

SIM800L removed from power and waited for network lock.

Attempt 5.1: takes a while to respond. Then SIM800L is blinking fast (no GSM network) and gives same time as under 4. No sync.

Attempt 5.2: same as above.


I am used Serial3 (MEGA) for communication.

void getLocation() {

Serial.println("Location is being retrieved from SIM800L. If not printed below = failed.");

Serial3.println ("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"CONTYPE\",\"GPRS\"");


Serial3.println ("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"APN\",\"smartsites.t-mobile\"");


Serial3.println ("AT+SAPBR=1,1");

delay (50);

Serial3.println ("AT+CIPGSMLOC=1,1");

// answer format: +CIPGSMLOC: 0,4.382148,52.032688,2016/10/28,14:08:16

delay (200);

confirmationSMSlocation = true;

if (!Serial3.find("+CIPGSMLOC: 0,")) {

confirmationSMSlocation = false;


//if (confirmationSMSlocation== false) {Serial.println("No +CIPGSMLOC: 0,");}

if (confirmationSMSlocation == true) {


longitude = Serial3.readStringUntil(',');


//; //next character is comma, so skip it using this. Does not seem to be necessary.


latitude = Serial3.readStringUntil(',');




dateGSM = Serial3.readStringUntil(',');


timeGSM = Serial3.readString();


if (Serial.available() >= 8) {

for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {

char timeGSM[i] =;




Serial.println ("New longitude, latitude, date and time via SIM800L: ");

Serial.println (longitude);

Serial.println (latitude);

Serial.println (dateGSM);

Serial.println (timeGSM); // this one does not work well.




Serial3.println ("AT+CBC"); //request battery status. Response format= +CBC: 0,76,4016 0 = not charging, 76 = 76%, 4016 = 4016 mV

delay(200); // was 500

confirmationSMSbattery = true;

if (!Serial3.find("+CBC: 0,")) {

confirmationSMSbattery = false;


if (confirmationSMSbattery == true) {// when valid battery status is available


percentageBattery = Serial3.parseInt();

voltageBattery = Serial3.parseInt();


Op 22-5-2017 om 06:53 schreef Vittorio Esposito:

Hi Jan,

Can you please paste here what does "get information" returns?

Where is the document you mentioned, which contains the code that can be added to the library?


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vittorioexp commented 7 years ago

Hi Jan,

Thank you for sending the code.

I can't understand why there are three Serial3.println ("AT+SAPBR=...);

Today i'll try to integrate this functions into the library, replacing the code of some functions.

Can you please test if the sleep mode (and functionality mode) functions of the library work?


jankluiver commented 7 years ago

Hi Vittorio,

My code might not be the best way of handling things.

I send an AT command to the SIM800L and listen to the response. Then I used some "tricks" to filter the desired information from the reply string. I don't find it a very elegant way, but it was the best way I could find on the internet. There might also be a risk that if the response format changes (or is different for another part of the world, for example location) that it might not work anymore. The code is working and reliable at the moment. (Note: I made some minor changes in the code I sent by replacing some Dutch comments and variables by English; I checked well, but perhaps there is a forgotten translation).

In my larger code I call the time once (to set the RTC), I call the battery status every few second (to display on OLED) and the GSM location only at the moment I send a SMS.

I did not need the other functionality, so I did not test it. But I will test it, probably tonight.

Kind regards,


Op 23-5-2017 om 06:51 schreef Vittorio Esposito:

Hi Jan,

Thank you for sending the code.

I can't understand why there are three Serial3.println ("AT+SAPBR=...);

Today i'll try to integrate this functions into the library, replacing the code of some functions.

Can you please test if the sleep mode (and functionality mode) functions of the library work?


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vittorioexp commented 7 years ago

I edited the function calculateLocation() adding your AT commands. Is this right?

`bool Sim800L::calculateLocation() {






delay (50);


// answer format: +CIPGSMLOC: 0,4.382148,52.032688,2016/10/28,14:08:16

String data = _readSerial(20000);

if (data.indexOf("ER")!=(-1)) return false;

uint8_t indexOne; uint8_t indexTwo;

indexOne = data.indexOf(":") + 1; indexTwo = data.indexOf(",");

_locationCode = data.substring(indexOne, indexTwo);

indexOne = data.indexOf(",") + 1; indexTwo = data.indexOf(",", indexOne);

_longitude = data.substring(indexOne, indexTwo);

indexOne = data.indexOf(",", indexTwo) + 1; indexTwo = data.indexOf(",", indexOne);

_latitude = data.substring(indexOne, indexTwo);

return true; }`

jankluiver commented 7 years ago

Hi Vittorio,

I was unexpectedly very busy yesterday and also today. Still need to do a lot of work tonight.

I have seen this kind of coding in the cpp and h files that I looked at, but I am not familiar with this. I cannot give a quick answer.

I will look at it tomorrow, together with the testing of the other library examples. Sorry for the delay.


Op 24-5-2017 om 20:17 schreef Vittorio Esposito:

I edited the function calculateLocation() adding your AT commands. Is this right?

`bool Sim800L::calculateLocation() { / Type: 1 To get longitude and latitude Cid = 1 Bearer profile identifier refer to AT+SAPBR /

// uint8_t type = 1; //uint8_t cid = 1;

|//String tmp = "AT+CIPGSMLOC=" + String(type) + "," + String(cid) + "\r\n"; //this->SoftwareSerial::print(tmp); this->SoftwareSerial::print("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"CONTYPE\",\"GPRS\""); delay(50); this->SoftwareSerial::print("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"APN\",\"smartsites.t-mobile\""); delay(50); this->SoftwareSerial::print("AT+SAPBR=1,1"); delay (50); this->SoftwareSerial::print("AT+CIPGSMLOC=1,1"); // answer format: +CIPGSMLOC: 0,4.382148,52.032688,2016/10/28,14:08:16 String data = _readSerial(20000); if (data.indexOf("ER")!=(-1)) return false; uint8_t indexOne; uint8_t indexTwo; indexOne = data.indexOf(":") + 1; indexTwo = data.indexOf(","); _locationCode = data.substring(indexOne, indexTwo); indexOne = data.indexOf(",") + 1; indexTwo = data.indexOf(",", indexOne); _longitude = data.substring(indexOne, indexTwo); indexOne = data.indexOf(",", indexTwo) + 1; indexTwo = data.indexOf(",", indexOne); _latitude = data.substring(indexOne, indexTwo); return true; |


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jankluiver commented 7 years ago

FYI. Work keeps pooring in. I need to work also this weekend to catch up. I hope to answer on Sunday.


Op 24-5-2017 om 20:31 schreef Jan Kluiver:

Hi Vittorio,

I was unexpectedly very busy yesterday and also today. Still need to do a lot of work tonight.

I have seen this kind of coding in the cpp and h files that I looked at, but I am not familiar with this. I cannot give a quick answer.

I will look at it tomorrow, together with the testing of the other library examples. Sorry for the delay.


Op 24-5-2017 om 20:17 schreef Vittorio Esposito:

I edited the function calculateLocation() adding your AT commands. Is this right?

`bool Sim800L::calculateLocation() { / Type: 1 To get longitude and latitude Cid = 1 Bearer profile identifier refer to AT+SAPBR /

// uint8_t type = 1; //uint8_t cid = 1;

|//String tmp = "AT+CIPGSMLOC=" + String(type) + "," + String(cid) + "\r\n"; //this->SoftwareSerial::print(tmp); this->SoftwareSerial::print("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"CONTYPE\",\"GPRS\""); delay(50); this->SoftwareSerial::print("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"APN\",\"smartsites.t-mobile\""); delay(50); this->SoftwareSerial::print("AT+SAPBR=1,1"); delay (50); this->SoftwareSerial::print("AT+CIPGSMLOC=1,1"); // answer format: +CIPGSMLOC: 0,4.382148,52.032688,2016/10/28,14:08:16 String data = _readSerial(20000); if (data.indexOf("ER")!=(-1)) return false; uint8_t indexOne; uint8_t indexTwo; indexOne = data.indexOf(":") + 1; indexTwo = data.indexOf(","); _locationCode = data.substring(indexOne, indexTwo); indexOne = data.indexOf(",") + 1; indexTwo = data.indexOf(",", indexOne); _longitude = data.substring(indexOne, indexTwo); indexOne = data.indexOf(",", indexTwo) + 1; indexTwo = data.indexOf(",", indexOne); _latitude = data.substring(indexOne, indexTwo); return true; |


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vittorioexp commented 7 years ago


Can you send me a picture of your hardware?

Thank you

jankluiver commented 7 years ago

If you mean the module, it is the same as this one:

Op 26-5-2017 om 15:52 schreef Vittorio Esposito:


Can you send me a picture of your hardware?

Thank you

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vittorioexp commented 7 years ago

I mean the hardware links between sim800l/arduino/battery. Because my module ever returns ERROR: SIM not inserted. This is what i do. AT OK


AT+CPIN? +CME ERROR: SIM not inserted

jankluiver commented 7 years ago

I run the SIM800L on a 3.7 Volt 18650 battery (and in test mode via a PSU on 4.0 V @ 2A ).

In my operational design I use a Arduino MEGA and use one of the 3 additional serial ports (Serial3) and I have a level shifter to convert between 2.8 and 5 V.

In the test environment I use the S/W serial port (I would not mind to use the Serial3, but don't know how to set that in the library) and a voltage divider for the input signal of the SIM800L.

Hmm. Perhaps that could be a reason for my unstable response. I use R = 10k-10k, so 5V signal is reduced to 2.5V. I just checked the spec sheet High input is between 2.5 and 2.8 V. So 2.5V is on the limit. I will try tomorrow R= 10k : 12k, then output will be 2.72V.

I did not experience problems with SIM. I tried two SIMs in the past and 3 of these modules, all work fine. Only a pity the the RTC battery backup is not an output on the board. I need that functionality and have now an external RTC (it is not the cost of 1 USD, but it is extra wiring and coding).



Op 26-5-2017 om 19:02 schreef Vittorio Esposito:

I mean the hardware links between sim800l/arduino/battery. Because my module ever returns ERROR: SIM not inserted. This is what i do. AT OK


AT+CPIN? +CME ERROR: SIM not inserted

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jankluiver commented 7 years ago

Hello Vittorio,

I did some more tests. I changed the voltage divider to give a little higher signal. It did not make a difference.

The Sleeping Functionality is working.

This morning I discovered Tabs in the Arduino IDE. You can move separate functions in separate tabs that still belong to the main program. This makes the main program more compact. For me that was the main reason that I wanted a library. Technically I have all the things that I want.



Op 26-5-2017 om 19:02 schreef Vittorio Esposito:

I mean the hardware links between sim800l/arduino/battery. Because my module ever returns ERROR: SIM not inserted. This is what i do. AT OK


AT+CPIN? +CME ERROR: SIM not inserted

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vittorioexp commented 7 years ago

Hi Jan,

I'm glad to know the sleeping functionality is working.

My module still not works, maybe the 3 SIM cards i tried are too recent. When did you buy yours?

Maybe it is because i have this component between the battery and the module:


vittorioexp commented 7 years ago

Hi Jan,

did the example sketch "GSM_Coordinates.ino" work for you? I remember i added your modifications about this in the last version of the library.

jankluiver commented 7 years ago

Apologies for the slow response. I have two SIM800L modules running off-site with my own code. They are used in an operational setting and can't be used for testing anymore.

My Arduino IDE had so many libraries and projects, that I decided to make a fresh start. I re-installed IDE and I loaded your latest library. I used a spare SIM800L. It did not work. My home is not a good place to test due to poor GSM coverage. The SIM800L does not connect to the GSM network, but the test programs I tried (getInformations, SleepMode) did not need network contact and halted already earlier. Probably in the Serial Communication set up. I approached the SIM800L via AT serial commands. That worked fine. Not sure what the issue is. Not really helpful, but that is all I can do for the moment.

Op 27-6-2017 om 23:18 schreef Vittorio Esposito:

Hi Jan,

did the example sketch "GSM_Coordinates.ino" work for you? I remember i added your modifications about this in the last version of the library.

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