vitusventure / 5thSRD

5th Edition SRD in Markdown
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Improved font selection in new theme #129

Closed mortenbra closed 3 years ago

mortenbra commented 3 years ago

The theme for the site was changed a while back, and now uses a sans-serif font for all content. IMHO, this gives the site a very "boring" (and also "modern") look. A serif font would be more appropriate for a fantasy/medieval RPG such as D&D/5E.

Please consider adding something like this to the site stylesheet:

.pure-g [class*=pure-u] {
    font-family: "Baskerville Old Face",Baskerville,"Hoefler Text",Garamond,"Times New Roman",serif;

Comparison of current and suggested font selection:


vitusventure commented 3 years ago

I agree! Switched to a slightly different stack, but serif nonetheless.

Changed in