vityaman-edu / lms

A simple learning management system.
Apache License 2.0
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Fix fuzzing found errors #91

Closed vityaman closed 4 months ago

vityaman commented 4 months ago

From EvoMaster:

lms-botalka     | Invalid promotion request status: Can't change promotion request statusto NEW
lms-botalka     |       at$suspendImpl(PromotionHttpApi.kt:30) ~[!/:0.0.1]

From Cats:

lms-botalka     | 2024-04-26T09:11:38.843Z ERROR 1 --- [botalka] [tor-tcp-epoll-2] a.w.r.e.AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler : [8a0318bf-42272]  500 Server Error for HTTP POST "/api/v1/homework"
lms-botalka     | 
lms-botalka     | org.jooq.exception.DataException: SQL [insert into "lms"."homework" ("title", "description", "max_score", "publication_moment", "deadline_moment") values ($1, $2, $3, cast($4 as timestamp(6) with time zone), cast($5 as timestamp(6) with time zone)) returning "lms"."homework"."id", "lms"."homework"."title", "lms"."homework"."description", "lms"."homework"."max_score", "lms"."homework"."publication_moment", "lms"."homework"."deadline_moment", "lms"."homework"."creation_moment"]; timestamp out of range: "226749769-04-03 14:24:57+00"

From schemathesis:

======================= Schemathesis test session starts =======================
Schema location: http://lms-botalka:8080/openapi/api.yml
Base URL: http://lms-botalka:8080/api/v1
Specification version: Open API 3.0.3
Random seed: 217290859497029819202444950971775257466
Workers: 1
Collected API operations: 9
Collected API links: 0
API probing: SUCCESS
Schema analysis: SKIP

GET /api/v1/monitoring/ping .                                             [ 11%]
POST /api/v1/homework F                                                   [ 22%]
GET /api/v1/homework/{homework_id}/workspace/{student_id}/event F         [ 33%]
POST /api/v1/homework/{homework_id}/workspace/{student_id}/event F        [ 44%]
GET /api/v1/rating/grades .                                               [ 55%]
GET /api/v1/user/{id} F                                                   [ 66%]
POST /api/v1/user .                                                       [ 77%]
POST /api/v1/promotion/request F                                          [ 88%]
PATCH /api/v1/promotion/request/{id} F                                    [100%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
____________________________ POST /api/v1/homework _____________________________
1. Test Case ID: 9fB8qb

- Response violates schema

    'code' is a required property


            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "code": {
                    "type": "integer",
                    "format": "int32",
                    "description": "HTTP Status Code",
                    "example": 400
                "status": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "HTTP Status Description",
                    "example": "Bad Request"
                "message": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Detailed Message",
                    "example": "Username must contain only latin letter"
            // Output truncated...


            "timestamp": "2024-04-26T18:15:28.039+00:00",
            "path": "/api/v1/homework",
            "status": 400,
            "error": "Bad Request",
            "requestId": "8be666d5-245"

[400] Bad Request:

    `{"timestamp":"2024-04-26T18:15:28.039+00:00","path":"/api/v1/homework","status":400,"error":"Bad Request","requestId":"8be666d5-245"}`

Reproduce with: 

    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"deadline_moment": "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z", "description": "", "max_score": 0, "publication_moment": "2000-01-01T00:00:00+19:00", "title": ""}' http://lms-botalka:8080/api/v1/homework

_______ GET /api/v1/homework/{homework_id}/workspace/{student_id}/event ________
1. Test Case ID: iyi7z3

- Undocumented HTTP status code

    Received: 400
    Documented: 200, 404

[400] Bad Request:

    `{"code":400,"status":"Bad Request","message":"Unique id must be a positive, got 0"}`

Reproduce with: 

    curl -X GET http://lms-botalka:8080/api/v1/homework/0/workspace/0/event

_______ POST /api/v1/homework/{homework_id}/workspace/{student_id}/event _______
1. Test Case ID: Hv4tNo

- Response violates schema

    'code' is a required property


            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "code": {
                    "type": "integer",
                    "format": "int32",
                    "description": "HTTP Status Code",
                    "example": 400
                "status": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "HTTP Status Description",
                    "example": "Bad Request"
                "message": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Detailed Message",
                    "example": "Username must contain only latin letter"
            // Output truncated...


            "timestamp": "2024-04-26T18:15:29.632+00:00",
            "path": "/api/v1/homework/143/workspace/124/event",
            "status": 400,
            "error": "Bad Request",
            "requestId": "8be666d5-259"

[400] Bad Request:

    `{"timestamp":"2024-04-26T18:15:29.632+00:00","path":"/api/v1/homework/143/workspace/124/event","status":400,"error":"Bad Request","requestId":"8be666d5-259"}`

Reproduce with: 

    curl -X POST -H 'producer_id: 124' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"kind": "comment"}' http://lms-botalka:8080/api/v1/homework/143/workspace/124/event

____________________________ GET /api/v1/user/{id} _____________________________
1. Test Case ID: 1H2UBP

- Undocumented HTTP status code

    Received: 400
    Documented: 200, 404

[400] Bad Request:

    `{"code":400,"status":"Bad Request","message":"Unique id must be a positive, got 0"}`

Reproduce with: 

    curl -X GET http://lms-botalka:8080/api/v1/user/0

________________________ POST /api/v1/promotion/request ________________________
1. Test Case ID: S4DCZa

- Undocumented HTTP status code

    Received: 400
    Documented: 200, 404, 409

[400] Bad Request:

    `{"code":400,"status":"Bad Request","message":"Unique id must be a positive, got 0"}`

Reproduce with: 

    curl -X POST -H 'user_id: 0' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"role": "student"}' http://lms-botalka:8080/api/v1/promotion/request

_____________________ PATCH /api/v1/promotion/request/{id} _____________________
1. Test Case ID: EvdwDi

- Server error

- Undocumented HTTP status code

    Received: 500
    Documented: 204, 404, 409

[500] Internal Server Error:

    `{"timestamp":"2024-04-26T18:15:36.126+00:00","path":"/api/v1/promotion/request/342","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","requestId":"8be666d5-393"}`

Reproduce with: 

    curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"status": "new"}' http://lms-botalka:8080/api/v1/promotion/request/342

=================================== SUMMARY ====================================

Performed checks:
    not_a_server_error                              311 / 312 passed          FAILED 
    status_code_conformance                         278 / 312 passed          FAILED 
    content_type_conformance                        312 / 312 passed          PASSED 
    response_headers_conformance                    312 / 312 passed          PASSED 
    response_schema_conformance                     241 / 312 passed          FAILED 

Note: Use the 'X-Schemathesis-TestCaseId' header to correlate test case ids from failure messages with server logs for debugging.

Note: To replicate these test failures, rerun with `--hypothesis-seed=217290859497029819202444950971775257466`

Tip: Use the `--report` CLI option to visualize test results via
We run additional conformance checks on reports from public repos.

========================= 3 passed, 6 failed in 14.24s =========================