vivarium-collective / vivarium-biosimulators

A Vivarium wrapper for BioSimulators
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Expand biosimulators tests that run in docker #15

Open eagmon opened 2 years ago

eagmon commented 2 years ago

Currently test_biosimulators runs tests on the following biosimulators: biosimulators_tellurium, biosimulators_cobrapy, biosimulators_cbmpy, biosimulators_bionetgen, biosimulators_gillespy2, biosimulators_libsbmlsim, biosimulators_rbapy, biosimulators_xpp.

@jonrkarr -- are there any other simulators we should add to this? Yesterday we mentioned MCell -- is this refactored with exec_sed_task and preprocess_sed_task?

jonrkarr commented 2 years ago

Below are combination possible variations on DFBA. This covers multiple modeling styles, model languages, simulation algorithms, and simulation tools. Within most simulation tools, there are multiple choices for ODE methods. This likely won't be relevant for a relatively simple ODE submodel. But, this capability will be there. This would be relevant for very stiff or otherwise unique ODE systems.

I suggest starting with FBA/SBML and ODE/SBML and then using other model languages in place of SBML and RBA in place of FBA. For other languages, the SBML version of the FBA model could be converted to BioNetGen, CellML, and XPP. For RBA, we'll need to use a different model which is a superset of the FBA model.

Another variation is to use SSA and similar methods in place of ODE integration (SSA-FBA).

For spatial simulations,

I'm optimistic we'll have better traction with getting the community to contribute once our model repository is available.