vivekkushalch / Indian-Sign-Language-Recognition-System

GNU General Public License v3.0
53 stars 8 forks source link

Readme file incomplete #10

Closed FoxCode-Tesmia closed 1 year ago

FoxCode-Tesmia commented 1 year ago

can you please provide the details that how to run these files.

Jeet-programmer commented 1 year ago

Thank You very much for showing interest in our repo !!! For the time being, we are working to fix the known bugs your one is also been added to the list Very soon we are gonna release a stable update resolving almost "all" the errors until then please stay tuned. For now, you can try our hosted beta version in the replit:- You can also download the files and run them on Localhost


  1. Download the code from the link:-
  2. Click on the index.html it will open the browser.
  3. Click on the translate page.
  4. Then click on the camera button and wait a few seconds to let the model load(make sure to allow the camera permission).
  5. This beta version is capable to detect the [I love you, Hello, Thank you, Welcome] (*expect spamming) in ISL(Indian Sign Language)
  6. For making your version you can change the Google teachable machine links in the modelURL and metadataURL in /translate/app.js file models but remember to give us feedback for more improvements.
FoxCode-Tesmia commented 1 year ago

thankyou for your reply but i am not able to download these files can you help me how to download these files from the given link?

vivekkushalch commented 1 year ago

Yeha sure! Pls follow these steps and you will be able to download the zip of the entire project. If you still face any problem pls let us know we will try our best to resolve it as soon as possible.


1. Goto Replit hosted link:

2. Click on Fork button to Fork the repl

FORK Re name Fork

3. Click on the three dots in the right near the file manager and select Download as Zip option

Download as zip

FoxCode-Tesmia commented 1 year ago

thank you now i downloaded the file but still a problem occur when i dont the index.html file it show only the structure of file no styles and working? can you help me with this that how can i open the app correctly as i donot open correctly.

vivekkushalch commented 1 year ago

Due to the current URL structure of Sanket it requires a static server to serve its assets (img, styles...) To solve this you can use

  1. Use Live Server extension in Vs Code to run Sanket. This article will lead you the way > --- OR ---
  2. Start a Python HTTP Server in the root dir of Sanket where index.html is present using this command python -m http.server your app should be running at http://localhost:8000 --- OR ---
  3. Start a Node HTTP Server in the root dir of Sanket where index.html is present using this command
    npx http-server it should display the list of urls on which your app is running by default you can visit http://localhost:8080

If still face any problem please let us know, we are happy to help!