viveksjain / heracles

A Mac app to automatically obtain Kerberos tokens on login
MIT License
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Secure Input state #1

Closed otheroom closed 10 years ago

otheroom commented 10 years ago

It seems that after opening Heracles and entering a password, Heracles leaves Secure Input enabled even though the app doesn't have focus. Today I needed to change the password for a ticket and now TextExpander is telling me that it can't operate because Secure Input is enabled (see attached screen shot).

I remember running into this when I first started using Heracles but after rebooting this was no longer an issue. I have Heracles in my startup items to I would guess that this is related specifically to entering a new password and not clearing the Secure Input state.


viveksjain commented 10 years ago

I just tried downloading TextExpander, and am not seeing this issue. What version of OS X are you using? And as a workaround, does it work if you focus on the username field and then hit enter?

otheroom commented 10 years ago

You nailed it, if I change focus to the user name field it clears the Secure Input state. I had entered a new password and hit the Save button but apparently Heracles was still in the background with the password field focussed. Since Heracles immediately goes into the background when I hit Save I hadn't thought about that.

Is it possible to remove the input field focus when hitting the Save button?

BTW, I'm running 10.8.5.

viveksjain commented 10 years ago

It might be a bug in OS X 10.8, since I'm running 10.9 and I don't see this problem. I'm sure it is possible to remove the input field focus (although I would have to look into the documentation), but since it appears to be fixed in OS X itself I'd prefer not to add a workaround within Heracles.

otheroom commented 10 years ago

Sounds reasonable to me. Thanks.