vivianbuan / Search-Engine-for-Software

The SoftWare AGgregated and Organized (SWAGO) is an open source search engine designed for software package search specifically. It was the result of a year-long project in Berkeley's Master of Engineering Program Capstone.
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Meeting Minutes #20

Open danisbet opened 6 years ago

danisbet commented 6 years ago

Meeting minutes for 1/25/2018 (Spring wk 2)

danisbet commented 6 years ago

Realized that I didn't upload minutes for monday's meeting. Next time I'll be sure to do that so we can stay better on topic for thursday meetings;

Meeting minutes for Thursday 2/1/2018 (Spring wk 3)

Also, I had to do some of this by memory since my computer ran out of battery (sorry if I missed a few key points)

danisbet commented 6 years ago

Meeting minutes for Thursday 2/8/2018 (Spring wk 4)

danisbet commented 6 years ago

Meeting minutes for Friday 2/9/2018 (Midweek meeting to discuss 295 presentation)

Postscript: There was another meeting on Sunday where we compiled all the writing that we did, I didn't take notes other than 270C presentation notes, since we were working much of the time.

danisbet commented 6 years ago

Meeting minutes for Thursday 2/15/2018 (Spring wk 5)