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Calendar Module in Dark Mode #381

Open foersben opened 3 years ago

foersben commented 3 years ago

Dear Community,

how can I set the calendar module into dark mode as shown in the preview?

Thank you in advance!

enprava commented 2 years ago

I personally use lxappareance. You can use a dark theme and calendar module should display into dark mode.

warmshowers1 commented 1 year ago

The calendar is using the yad command, which uses your GTK themes as color palettes for the various widgets it provides. I found this ArchWiki page that describes how to handle GTK themes with this exact section detailing how you can change the configuration files to prefer a dark theme over a light theme. I ran this command in my shell: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme prefer-dark And added gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = true to my /usr/share/gtk-3.0/settings.ini, and it changed to dark theme. I did not try this myself, but if you wouldn't prefer a system wide change, this section details where you can find (or create) the user configuration files.