vivo / MoonBox

月光宝盒:无侵入的流量录制与回放平台 A server-side traffic capture and replay platform with noninvasive
Apache License 2.0
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前端报错问题解决 ReferenceError: primordials is not defined #57

Open zane001 opened 10 months ago

zane001 commented 10 months ago

client/package.json中"gulp": "^3.9.1", 在npm run build 时会报错ReferenceError: primordials is not defined 原因是因为 node版本与gulp版本不兼容导致 解决办法: "scripts": { "preinstall": "npx npm-force-resolutions", "dev": "cross-env NODE_ENV=local vue-cli-service serve", "build": "vue-cli-service build && gulp" }, "resolutions": { "graceful-fs": "^4.2.4" }, 然后执行 npm install npm run build