vizdata-f21 / project-2-viz_biz
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Project Feedback #10

Closed sophiedalldorf closed 3 years ago

sophiedalldorf commented 3 years ago

I love your project! I could not clone your repo to see how you created each of the images, but I am excited to see that in your presentation on Friday! I would suggest deploying your app and providing a link in your writeup so that it is easier for people to find your website and view the images. I love your choice of images and think that you structure of writeup is clean and concise. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

esfeder commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback Ms. Dalldorf! We are working on updating the repo to make the project link ( appear on the main page as well as in the writeup.

Get ready for Friday! 🕺