vizhub-core / vizhub-feedback

VizHub feedback issue tracker
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Refine Medium Embed #678

Open curran opened 3 years ago

curran commented 3 years ago

image I wonder where those scroll bars are coming from though. Also the aspect ratio is not exactly right, which you can see by the yellow background. The aspect ratio should be fixed, but maybe we should just get rid of that yellow part and make it white instead, so it looks better in the case that the aspect ratio is off.

curran commented 3 years ago

In the outermost iFrame, that points to Embedly, changing the scrolling attribute from auto to no solves the scrollbar and aspect ratio issue.


The question is, why is it set to auto in the first place? I think we need to change something maybe about our oEmbed response or something?

curran commented 3 years ago
