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VizHub Platform V3
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Revamp Sandbox - Analytics Page #266

Open curran opened 1 year ago

curran commented 1 year ago
curran commented 1 year ago

When onboarding beta users, especially for a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform like VizHub, tracking the right metrics is crucial to ensuring the platform's ultimate success. Here are some vital metrics the VizHub team should monitor:

  1. User Acquisition Metrics:

    • New Users: The number of first-time users who have registered on the platform.
    • Source of Acquisition: Understanding where these users are coming from (e.g., referral links, direct visits, social media, etc.) helps optimize marketing strategies.
  2. Engagement Metrics:

    • Active Users: This can be broken down into:
      • DAU (Daily Active Users): Users who interact with the platform on a daily basis.
      • MAU (Monthly Active Users): Users who interact at least once within a month.
    • Session Duration: The average length of time a user spends on the platform during a single visit.
    • Feature Adoption Rate: How many users are using the newly introduced features, like the open-source code editor or the real-time collaboration tools?
  3. Retention Metrics:

    • Churn Rate: The percentage of users who stop using the platform during a specific time frame. A high churn rate after beta testing could indicate dissatisfaction or issues with the platform.
    • User Lifespan: How long, on average, users continue to use the platform before churning.
    • Net Promoter Score (NPS): A measure of users' willingness to recommend the platform to others. It provides insight into overall user satisfaction.
  4. Monetization Metrics:

    • MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue): The total monthly revenue from subscribed users. Even if the first year is free for beta users, tracking this metric as soon as they start paying will be crucial.
    • ARPU (Average Revenue Per User): The average revenue generated from each active user. This helps in understanding the monetary value of each user segment.
    • LTV (Lifetime Value): An estimate of the total revenue that can be attributed to a single user over the entire duration of their relationship with the platform.
    • CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost): The average cost of acquiring a new customer, considering marketing and sales expenses.
  5. Feedback Metrics:

    • Feature Request Frequency: The number of times a feature is requested, which can guide the development roadmap.
    • Bug Reports: The number and severity of bugs reported, indicating the platform's stability and areas of improvement.
    • Feedback Survey Results: Regularly polling users about their experiences, suggestions, and pain points can provide qualitative insights to complement quantitative metrics.
  6. Referral Metrics:

    • Referral Rate: The number of users who joined the platform through a referral from an existing user.
    • Conversion Rate from Referrals: Out of the users who were referred, how many actually registered and became active users?

By closely monitoring these metrics, the VizHub team can get a holistic view of the platform's performance, user satisfaction, and potential areas of improvement. This will enable data-driven decisions that can foster both regular usage and profitability.

curran commented 1 year ago

Discourse dashboard


Absolutely! Presenting these metrics visually makes them more accessible and digestible. Here's a guide for visualizing each metric:

  1. User Acquisition Metrics:

    • New Users: A line chart with time (daily, weekly, monthly) on the x-axis and number of new users on the y-axis.
    • Source of Acquisition: A stacked bar chart or pie chart can show the proportion of users from each acquisition source.
  2. Engagement Metrics:

    • Active Users (DAU & MAU): A dual-axis line chart with DAU and MAU plotted together allows you to compare these metrics and observe patterns.
    • Session Duration: A histogram can show the distribution of session durations among users.
    • Feature Adoption Rate: A bar chart with individual features on the x-axis and the number/percentage of users on the y-axis.
  3. Retention Metrics:

    • Churn Rate: A line chart over time will show how churn rate evolves.
    • User Lifespan: A histogram can display the distribution of user lifespan durations.
    • Net Promoter Score (NPS): A gauge chart or horizontal bar chart that spans from -100 to 100.
  4. Monetization Metrics:

    • MRR: A line chart tracking MRR over time will give insights into growth or decline.
    • ARPU: Another line chart over time can show if you're increasing the value derived from each user.
    • LTV: A bar chart segmented by user acquisition cohorts will indicate which cohorts bring the most value over time.
    • CAC: A line chart can compare CAC with other metrics like LTV to ensure profitability.
  5. Feedback Metrics:

    • Feature Request Frequency: A bar chart with features on the x-axis and the number of requests on the y-axis.
    • Bug Reports: A stacked bar chart can segment bugs by severity over time.
    • Feedback Survey Results: Pie charts or doughnut charts for individual questions; word clouds for open-text feedback.
  6. Referral Metrics:

    • Referral Rate: A line chart tracking referrals over time.
    • Conversion Rate from Referrals: Another line chart can show the conversion rate of referred users.

General Visualization Tips:

Remember, the goal of data visualization is not just to present numbers but to tell a story and make the data actionable. Ensure that your visualizations are clear, concise, and catered to your audience, whether they're internal stakeholders or external partners.