vizual54 / APM-Mavlink-to-FrSky

APM Mavlink to FrSky telemetry
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Feedback on Taranis #3

Open mr-sneezy opened 10 years ago

mr-sneezy commented 10 years ago

Using a Taranis.

Flight Mode sort of works, but the order is wrong and it starts from 0 not 1, 4 is skipped. Actual FM - Shown FM 1 - 1 2 - 3 3 - 0 4 - 5 5 - 2 6 - 6

Sat display and Brg display work fine, as does Fuel and GPS Lat Lon.

No current or volts reading.

vizual54 commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the input. Do you have voltage and current set to FAS in the telemetry setup menu? Thats what I have on mine and that should be working.

I will have to look into why the flight modes are not correct.

mr-sneezy commented 10 years ago

Your welcome.

I checked the radio telemetry settings and set the V & C to FAS (which were set to A1/A2). Rebooted the Taranis and retested it. No change, still no V & C readings. I can confirm from today now that the APM side is OK, in that my Minim-OSD is displaying V & C correctly on the FPV screen (and flight modes). I just installed it on my Quad today. So the APM 2.5 seems to be sending that data correctly.

SCUBA82 commented 10 years ago

hi vizual54, any news on that issue? I can confirm the current/voltage issue: I'm using a turnigy 9x with opentx.voltag gets reported at the FAS screen but current is allways 0 (both set to FAS). The vars "cels" and "curr" doesn't report anything.

flightmode issue: is it possible the shown number relates to the flightmode numbering in AC?ie: stabilize:0 , alt-hold:3 a.s.o I'm asking cause I've slitely different numbers sown for "T1" (maybe different flightmodes configured)

a question to the rpm value: should it represent a percentage value of throttle out ?i get a max value of 45 with full throttle

thanks in advance

Benoit3535 commented 10 years ago

hi vizual54 I am using a Taranis. I also have current alwayas at 0 and both Cell/Cells also at 0 FAS is giving me the value

The longitude and latidude are also wrong or not accurate à 1km.

What is the meaning of T2 (between 4 and 38) ?

Thanks Benoit

mr-sneezy commented 9 years ago

Benoit, T2 is an indicator for both Sat lock AND Sat count. Left digit is 0 = None, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D. Right digit is number of sats received currently up to 9 (I guess).

mr-sneezy commented 9 years ago

I've now fitted the project to an APM plane. Still have some data points that don't work on my Taranis (2.0.13 FW). Vfas for voltage works very well for me, but current is not being reported. Altitude might not be working either but I'll fly it again before being definite about that. Sat lock and count work, so to Heading and Flight mode (the actual APM flight mode numbers).

mr-sneezy commented 9 years ago

Nils, was there anything special about the telemetry Streaming Rate SR0 & SR1 parameter settings on your aircrafts APM? That would be recorded in any dataflash logs you may have... Martin