vizzuhq / vizzu-lib

Library for animated data visualizations and data stories.
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Connectiontype over missing line/area elements #67

Closed mathieujobin closed 3 weeks ago

mathieujobin commented 2 years ago

Task: We need a new channel parameter: connectiontype If the user filters from the data series on the X-axis (parallel to the line or area), then: 1.) connect on - we connect the lines and the area. 2.) connect off - we "cut" the lines and the area, they are not connected, and they end at the height of the remaining values that were not filtered out.

So I am very much sure my data does not end with low values right now. But every day, the graph still ends as it seems to require finishing down its drawing to zero. image

It is possible that's within Vizzu's engine that it drops to low values near the end like that?




simzer commented 2 years ago

No, it should not go down to zero on its own:

Do you filter out values by date? It seems like the last values on the x axis are filtered out.

simzer commented 2 years ago

I managed to reproduce the problem by filtering out the last value on the X-axis:

mathieujobin commented 2 years ago

No I am not filtering recent data. And numbers are up for every "categories" right now.

I tried to replace the 'max' x value by being explicit. That's all.

Thanks for your example. I will check when I get home. but I don't know what I could be doing differently.

Could be directly related to my other issue that have a blank value.

I can try to reproduce with a smaller dataset

mathieujobin commented 2 years ago

I updated your example to be more similar with my code but still cannot reproduce

mathieujobin commented 2 years ago

There, I could reproduce both this bug and #65

Apparently both are related.

Occurs when there are more series in the data.

mathieujobin commented 2 years ago

confirmed, if I remove the other series from the data, I don't have that problem...


but I can't use animate to switch data as easily as setting x/y sets like I am doing...

I tried making this change. initial chart loads but animate to switch data won't work..


Ideally, Vizzu should only take the sets specified into consideration when drawing the chart.

      config: {
        channels: {
          x: { set: ['Date'+x] },
          y: { set: ['City'+x, 'Cases'+x] },
          color: { set: ['City'+x] }

And ignore other series from the data.


mathieujobin commented 2 years ago

simplest way to reproduce

import Vizzu from '';

let data = {
  series: [
    { name: 'Sports', type: 'dimension', values: [
        'Basket', 'Volley', 'Tennis', 'Basket', 'Volley', 'Tennis',
      'Basket', 'Volley', 'Tennis', 'Basket', 'Volley', 'Tennis',
      'Basket', 'Volley', 'Tennis', 'Basket', 'Volley', 'Tennis'] },
    { name: 'Friends', type: 'dimension', values: [
        'Alice', 'Alice', 'Alice', 'Bob', 'Bob', 'Bob',
      'Mary', 'Mary', 'Mary', 'Maurice', 'Maurice', 'Maurice',
      'Jessica', 'Jessica', 'Jessica', 'Ted', 'Ted', 'Ted'] },
    { name: 'Scores', type: 'measure', values: [
      15, 32, 120, 45, 34, 87,
      32, 66, 69, 100, 200, 300,
      30, 60, 70, 60, 70, 120
    ] },
    { name: 'Unrelated', values: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]}

let chart = new Vizzu("myVizzu", { data });

  channels: {
    x: { set: ['Friends'] },
    y: { set: ['Sports', 'Scores'] },
    color: { set: ['Sports'] }
  geometry: 'area'

simzer commented 2 years ago

Until this is fixed, you could try to set the range of the X axis to range: { min: 0.5, max: '-1.5max' }

simzer commented 2 years ago

Also, thanks for the simplified code, it helps a lot!

simzer commented 2 years ago

I just realized that the 'Unrelated' data series is one value longer than the others. This'll cause Vizzu to append an empty value at the end of all the others. That is the cause of both the empty legend entry and the drop at the end.

mathieujobin commented 2 years ago

I just realized that the 'Unrelated' data series is one value longer than the others. This'll cause Vizzu to append an empty value at the end of all the others. That is the cause of both the empty legend entry and the drop at the end.

That's exactly what I am thinking as well

mathieujobin commented 2 years ago

the work around works ! image

Thanks to you

Vizzu is awesome

schaumb commented 3 weeks ago

The latest release (0.12.0) fixes this issue: No "unwanted" marker extends the line/area charts.