vk2him / Enphase-Envoy-mqtt-json

Takes real time stream from Enphase Envoy and publishes to mqtt broker
MIT License
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Values not showing up in "energy" panel #7

Closed timolow closed 2 years ago

timolow commented 2 years ago


I installed this extension into HA, I can see the metrics being imported into HA via the entities tab, however these entities do not show up under the energy tab in HA.



  • platform: mqtt state_topic: "/envoy/json" name: "mqtt_production" qos: 0 unit_of_measurement: "W" value_template: '{% if is_state("sun.sun", "below_horizon")%}0{%else%}{{ value_json["production"]["ph-a"]["p"] | int(0) }}{%endif%}' state_class: measurement device_class: power

  • platform: mqtt state_topic: "/envoy/json" value_template: '{{ value_json["total-consumption"]["ph-a"]["p"] }}' name: "mqtt_consumption" qos: 0 unit_of_measurement: "W" state_class: measurement device_class: power

  • platform: template sensors: exporting: friendly_name: "Current MQTT Energy Exporting" value_template: "{{ [0, (states('sensor.mqtt_production') | int(0) - states('sensor.mqtt_consumption') | int(0))] | max }}" unit_of_measurement: "W" icon_template: mdi:flash importing: friendly_name: "Current MQTT Energy Importing" value_template: "{{ [0, (states('sensor.mqtt_consumption') | int(0) - states('sensor.mqtt_production') | int(0))] | max }}" unit_of_measurement: "W" icon_template: mdi:flash solarpower: friendly_name: "Solar MQTT Power" value_template: "{{ states('sensor.mqtt_production')}}" unit_of_measurement: "W" icon_template: mdi:flash

vk2him commented 2 years ago

Hey Tim, to use these for the Energy Dashboard you'll need to add this to your configuration.yaml - be sure to change the sensor numbers to not conflict with any you may already have setup. I'll update the documentation with this. let me know if this solves your issues?

sensor 10:
  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.solarpower
    name: energy_solar
    method: left
    #   unit: kWh
    unit_prefix: k
    unit_time: h
    round: 2
sensor 11:
  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.exporting
    name: energy_exporting
    method: left
    #    unit: kWh
    unit_prefix: k
    unit_time: h
    round: 2
sensor 12:
  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.importing
    name: energy_importing
    method: left
    #    unit: kWh
    unit_prefix: k
    unit_time: h
    round: 2

Now add those new sensors to the Energy Dashboard:

Image 016

timolow commented 2 years ago


I went ahead and added the sensors to config.yaml, restarted, they show up under entities however they do not show up under the dropdown box for the energy dashboard. Trying to manually insert them will not allow me to save.

timolow commented 2 years ago

Uncommenting unit: kWh and restarting seems to have done the trick!

timolow commented 2 years ago

Might have been short lived, I don't see any data populated nor do I see the sensors anymore in entities. I do see this warning after adding the sensors to the energy dashboard.

Entity not defined
Check the integration or your configuration that provides:
vk2him commented 2 years ago

Ahh - I see the problem - you need to make a change to say that those sensors are set as device_class: energy

Firstly, comment out the unit: kWh for those sensors as it's no longer valid.

Next, please check if you have this code in configuration.yaml - be sure that it is formatted exactly as shown including the indents. Hopefully you already have it there, if not, add it.

  customize: !include customize.yaml

Now edit customize.yaml - if it doesn't exist then create it. Add the following lines:

  device_class: energy
  device_class: energy
  device_class: energy

After restarting Home Assistant, go back and reselect the sensors in Energy Dashboard - they should not have errors afterwards and it should match the screenshot above. Note that it will take around 2 hours before the Energy dashboard will display anything, so be patient. Please let me know if this fixes it?

timolow commented 2 years ago

Perfect! That did it for me. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this plugin and helping me get this sorted!

vk2him commented 2 years ago

Thanks @timolow, I'm glad it's working ok for you now - I'll update the Readme file to include this

vk2him commented 2 years ago

@timolow - thanks for the donation, it wasn't expected but very much appreciated - cheers