vkalinichev / postcss-rtl

PostCSS plugin for RTL-adaptivity
MIT License
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Feature request: block comments to define if the content is written RTL of LTR #67

Open pdanpdan opened 4 years ago

pdanpdan commented 4 years ago


There is a global setting fromRTL that when true specifies that the whole source CSS was written as RTL.

Is it possible to add as pair of block comments like /* rtl:begin:ignore */ and /* rtl:end:ignore */ that should specify how part of the CSS is written?

Something like /* rtl:begin:fromRTL */, /* rtl:end:fromRTL */, /* rtl:begin:fromLTR */, and /* rtl:end:fromLTR */?

The use case: I'm helping in development of frontend framework (Quasar) that has the styles written in sass/styl, and compiles the internal styles together with the user styles in CSS and then applies postcss-rtl on the output.

We have some issues with users that would like to write their styles directly in RTL, but if they set fromRTL: true the framework style are processed as beeing writen RTL also.
