Open Wysardry opened 1 month ago
I was also thinking of adding a button to "show document children" or something like that in the viewer, but I still want it to be possible to select this explicitly in the project tree.
That makes sense, as you could then change the option before you open the preview pane.
It would be helpful if novelWriter could show more than one document in the preview pane at the same time, so that you could see how well the text in a section or chapter fits together.
This would be something like "scrivenings mode" in Scrivener, but without the ability to edit in that view.
Rather than having to select individual items on the document tree (as is done in novelWriter's build preview), my personal preference would be either a "show document children" option on the preview pane or to have two types of preview (single and multi document) available on the menues.