vkichline / M5Sys2

M5Sys for Core2
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ESP32-Chimera-Core #1

Open UT2UH opened 3 years ago

UT2UH commented 3 years ago

Hello! Have you seen this? [(https://github.com/UT2UH/ESP32-Chimera-Core)] I think it's much better stack to accompany with M5ez. LovyanGFX used by Chimera Core has also support ESP-IDF - so M5ez can too. LovyanGFX supports SAMD51 core - so it can be ported to many SAMD21/based cores including STM32L0...

vkichline commented 3 years ago

I've been looking at Chimera-Core for some time and I'm certainly considering it! Currently I'm working with RopG on modifications of the Touch interface in the M5Core2 release, and this is serving as a test bed. It's currently close to PR: https://github.com/ropg/M5Core2 Rop's gestures and two-finger support are excellent. Once that's working, I plan on working on porting M5ez with him. Have you looked at the Touch interface enhancements there? It's written to be portable, once Rop's done with the PR that portion might fit into Chimera-Core. (As I write this, M5Sys2 is behind Rop's changes, but will rev soon.)

UT2UH commented 3 years ago

Hi! The touch interface is not for my use cases - I need backlit buttons etc. so Core2 is not the priority but ESP-IDF is. That is why I am looking at LovyanGFX and Chimera-Core. It would be nice to have M5ez under IDF as well. Another reason to look at Chimera as an example are dirty cheap K210 boards and modules to build M5Stack-like but more powerful devices. Of course using M5ez UI. ) Chimera-Core looks very interesting to unjail M5ez from ESP32 and Arduino Core.