When checking IsPinnedApp of any app like notepad, word, excel etc then on the line GetAppUserModelId exception thrown: Marshalling as IInspectable is not supported in the .NET runtime
If I remove this line [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIInspectable)] at IApplicationView then Error received The method or operation is not implemented.
Checked on Windows Build: 19045, 22000, 22621
.Net 6.0
Hi When checking
of any app like notepad, word, excel etc then on the lineGetAppUserModelId
exception thrown:Marshalling as IInspectable is not supported in the .NET runtime
If I remove this line
then Error receivedThe method or operation is not implemented
.Checked on Windows Build: 19045, 22000, 22621 .Net 6.0