vknabel / vscode-swiftformat

SwiftFormat for VS Code
MIT License
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Adds the ability to run SwiftFormat from Swift PM locally #2

Closed orta closed 5 years ago

orta commented 5 years ago

Heyo 👋

This allows you to install SwiftFormat via Swift PM and have the extension automatically pick it up. It does this by checking the default paths for where the built files would be.

Here it is in action:

format 2018-11-24 09_02_02

I gave this entire project a bit of a spit shine while I was looking at adding a feature. These were good solid foundations to work on 👍

johndpope commented 5 years ago

Hi @orta, did you see this vscode editor by apple with source kit lsp? https://github.com/apple/sourcekit-lsp/tree/master/Editors

vknabel commented 5 years ago

Hey @orta Thank you for your contribution and especially for all those little changes! It looks really good. I will have look on this tomorrow.

orta commented 5 years ago

@johndpope - yeah I only used that to build Komondor - it's looking real good.

@vknabel - I know what it's like to be sherlocked, I think we're all gonna end up with an awesome vscode dev experience in a few months now that apple are throwing serious money/time at the LSP

Also, no worries, you got this

orta commented 5 years ago

This PR is blocked until #324 is merged - as the capitalization needs to change probably

Not anymore

vknabel commented 5 years ago

@orta that's why I really love Apple's decision and I hope being sherlocked felt that great for you, too. Apple has much more resources and knows SourceKit much better than I do. So I gain more time and better tools. 😍