vknet / vk

Vkontakte API for .NET
MIT License
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Add method to add date without translation to unixtimestamp #1579

Open Rahovski opened 1 year ago

Rahovski commented 1 year ago


For example method market.get take parametrs date_from and date_to in native format.


Request with error



    "error": {
        "error_code": 100,
        "error_msg": "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid: period, date_from is invalid",
        "request_params": [
                "key": "method",
                "value": "market.get"
                "key": "oauth",
                "value": "1"
                "key": "owner_id",
                "value": "-85689507"
                "key": "count",
                "value": "1"
                "key": "offset",
                "value": "0"
                "key": "date_from",
                "value": "1660083630"
                "key": "need_variants",
                "value": "0"
                "key": "with_disabled",
                "value": "0"
                "key": "v",
                "value": "5.131"

Correct request



    "response": {
        "count": 33,
        "items": [
                "availability": 0,
                "category": {
                    "id": 30417,
                    "name": "Скейтборды и лонгборды",
                    "section": {
                        "id": 10005,
                        "name": "Спорт и отдых"
                "description": "Длина: 48\nШирина: 9.5\nКонкейв: U-образный\nФлекс: мягкий, средний, жесткий\nТейлы: 13, 14, 15см\nПолиуретановая защита по всему периметру\nДизайн: Катя Войнова",
                "id": 6996779,
                "owner_id": -85689507,
                "price": {
                    "amount": "2090000",
                    "currency": {
                        "id": 643,
                        "name": "RUB",
                        "title": "₽"
                    "text": "20900 ₽"
                "title": "Inari Limited",
                "is_owner": false,
                "is_adult": false,
                "thumb_photo": "https://sun1-86.userapi.com/impg/8hNEdxiX4SVRvdWfoq2w3M1bNAec26YMJfo89g/oRnEDxKMbAI.jpg?crop=0,0.217,1,0.566&size=400x0&quality=95&sign=dff7829b1287259e04e06f5feb939f24&c_uniq_tag=vl-y7yC5xLSi8BLJTJyIf4ZTzI8dx3X1bvto-nfbo-A",
                "cart_quantity": 0,
                "item_rating": {
                    "rating": 0,
                    "reviews_count": 0,
                    "reviews_count_text": "Нет отзывов"

Where problem

In file VkParameters.cs method

public void Add(string name, DateTime? nullableDateTime)

Convert DateTime arg to unix time format, but some methods in api request native datetime

Possible solution

  1. Add override method to convert Datetime to correct string
  2. Rebuild this method from unit time format to native datetime format