vkoves / carpe

Scheduling for the modern age - an UNMAINTAINED indigoBox project
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Added Filter To Event Invite Update Notifications #394

Closed Watercycle closed 5 years ago

Watercycle commented 5 years ago

Currently, a user updating the category of their host event triggers notifications to be sent out. This PR prevents that from happening.

Watercycle commented 5 years ago

RubyMine had a "Create Pull Request" button. I couldn't help but give it a try. Unfortunately, it didn't bring up the PR template! Sorry! 🤸‍♂️

Also, I switched after_validation out for after_commit. If the validations pass and the database constraints fail (or there's any kind of lock on the database), you probably don't want the notifications to be sent out.

Watercycle commented 5 years ago

@vkoves Should be good now. Sorry! I still can't think of a clear way to express implementation without getting overly verbose.