vkurko / calendar

Full-sized drag & drop JavaScript event calendar with resource & timeline views
MIT License
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Accessibility : Buttons without text or aria label, texts are all in divs only.. #161

Closed eddr closed 6 months ago

eddr commented 11 months ago


Checking the demo site, it seems that the content is not accessible even on the basic level:

Is it on purpose?


vkurko commented 11 months ago

Is it on purpose?

What answer do you expect to hear by asking this question? :smile:

If you have suggestions for improving the calendar, I'm open to consider them, just write them in a constructive way, please.

eddr commented 11 months ago

Hi Vladimir

It was not my intention at all and I apologize. I was just trying to write what I see as lacking a short list so it will be readable.. Communicating in text can be tricky sometimes


vkurko commented 11 months ago

I agree, there are a11y issues. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try to implement them in the next updates.

vkurko commented 11 months ago

Version 1.5.1 fixed some issues with a11y:

  1. All buttons that do not have accessible name now have the aria-label attribute with the appropriate text
  2. Show more and Close buttons are now keyboard accessible
  3. I've put off replacing <div> with <article>+<p> for now because I haven't seen anyone use this approach in other calendars (if you have examples, please let me know). Also using <article> generates A11y: Non-interactive element <article> should not be assigned mouse or keyboard event listeners. warning in Svelte.
eddr commented 11 months ago

That's amazing (: Thank you

About 3 - I agree that it was perhaps too specific, but since the event title and content are texts elements with semantic meaning, it is better to use a different element if possible. I'm not sure why others don't take it into account Wrote more in the list below


  1. Using "nav" HTML element for containers of navigation buttons

  2. All the "ec-time"/"ec-day" class elements : I think can also be a "time" element

  3. Same for date ranges - if possible - with two "time" elements for the start and end date-time values. In addition, perhaps user "aria-label" for the container. Something like that:

    From: To:

  4. About the event title/content/container:

"The Events Calendar" plugin uses specific elements - article, h, p: https://demo.theeventscalendar.com/events/month/

The Guardian uses fullcalendar as well ( apparently ), and the inner elements HTML are p and h for title and content

What do you think?

vkurko commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the examples. Indeed someone is using <article> for events. I will try to improve a11y in future releases.

eddr commented 10 months ago

Amazing, thanks

vkurko commented 6 months ago

@eddr Sorry, this took a while. I released version 2.5.0 which contains:

  1. Events use <article> and <h4> tags
  2. Events are now accessible from the keyboard
  3. Day names are table column headers with the correct aria-label (added dayHeaderAriaLabelFormat option)
  4. The toolbar uses the <nav> tag

Please test it and tell me what you think.

eddr commented 6 months ago

Amazing work

vkurko commented 6 months ago

Great. A small clarification - events are accessible from the keyboard only when the eventClick hook is defined for events.

Let me close this ticket and ask that a new issue be opened for future improvements.


newpen commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot! But I still do not get aria-label for the ec-prev and ec-next buttons. Do I need to enable them somewhere?

vkurko commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot! But I still do not get aria-label for the ec-prev and ec-next buttons. Do I need to enable them somewhere?

No, it should work out of the box. Are you accidentally overriding the buttonText option?

newpen commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot! But I still do not get aria-label for the ec-prev and ec-next buttons. Do I need to enable them somewhere?

No, it should work out of the box. Are you accidentally overriding the buttonText option?

Oh Yes, I am overriding the 'today' button because I want it to display in a different language. I am not overriding the next/prev buttons. Is there any way I can keep the aria-labels for the navigation buttons while displaying custom text for the today button? Thanks a lot!

FYI, I have this: buttonText: { today: 'my custom text' },

vkurko commented 2 months ago

I have this: buttonText: { today: 'my custom text' },

The current strategy for merging options for each view is as follows:

viewOptions = defaultCommonOptions < defaultViewOptions < userCommonOptions < userViewOptions

where xxxCommonOptions are those options that are intended for all views, and xxxViewOptions are respectively intended for a specific view and are passed inside the views property. < means that the options on the right overwrite the options on the left.

As you can see, by passing the buttonText as an object, you are essentially setting the same object (with empty prev and next properties) for all views.

When the buttonText is given as a function, instead of overwriting, this function will be called and the object from the previous merge step will be passed to it. Therefore, in your case, the option with the function should work.

So try

buttonText: function (text) {
  text.today = 'my custom text';
  return text;
newpen commented 2 months ago

It works! Thanks a lot! But I have another question. Is there any way to set custom aria-labels too? It's because sometimes I may need those labels in another language as well. Thank you!

vkurko commented 2 months ago

Sure. There are prev and next fields for that. See buttonText.

buttonText: function (text) {
  text.today = 'my custom text';
  text.prev = 'my custom text';
  text.next = 'my custom text';
  return text;
newpen commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot!