vkurko / calendar

Full-sized drag & drop JavaScript event calendar with resource & timeline views
MIT License
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dayMonthGrid not working when events added #212

Closed maotcha closed 6 months ago

maotcha commented 6 months ago

Hi! The month display works fine if I don't have any events, but once I add one, it no longer shows and I'm unable to toggle back to the other views (same issue with list view). My code mostly comes from the demo/examples in the README, but I don't use the provided CSS. Could this be the issue? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

amoscicki commented 6 months ago

hi, I started works on porting the calendar to the tailwind and it seems that some classes are required for some of the functions to work. I don't think you need to have same CSS and I'm still deep in (just didn't have much time for this recently) to establish exact which classes with which exact settings are required for things to keep working. Are you still applying all the ec-* classes to the elements or are you replacing any of these? If you use the original CSS does it work? As the issue may also be somewhere else

maotcha commented 6 months ago

I've tried applying the original CSS, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. As of now, I import '@event-calendar/core/index.css' after I import Calendar, TimeGrid, DayGrid, etc (I'm using Svelte if that makes a difference). I'm also not sure how to apply all the ec-* classes. Sorry for the general lack of competency, I'm new to all of this.

vkurko commented 6 months ago

but once I add one, it no longer shows

Can you provide some sample code so I can reproduce the issue?

vkurko commented 6 months ago

Can you provide some sample code so I can reproduce the issue?

@maotcha, any update on this?

maotcha commented 6 months ago

I figured it out, just had to reinstall the core package. Thanks for your help!