vkurko / calendar

Full-sized drag & drop JavaScript event calendar with resource & timeline views
MIT License
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Custom attibutes for custom buttons #277

Open jnegron357 opened 2 weeks ago

jnegron357 commented 2 weeks ago

The new Custom Buttons feature is great but it needs to provide a mechanism for providing values to certain native attributes or events and provide custom attributes as needed (ie: data-[attribute/property]). I propose a new property for the custom button that can take a JSON string that will provide the definitions for attributes: { id: 'myId', class: 'my-class-names', onMouseOver: 'myHoverFunctionName', dataIndex: '0', dataId: '12345678', dataCategory: 'MyValue' }

vkurko commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your suggestion. Perhaps I'll just implement the ability to use custom html instead of a button.