Closed github-actions[bot] closed 5 months ago
Automated changes by the update-flake-lock GitHub Action.
Flake lock file updates: • Updated input 'advisory-db': 'github:rustsec/advisory-db/369d98c1b95b7b56d0859605916d7b81a7d1f1c4' (2024-03-15) → 'github:rustsec/advisory-db/aa8e65c812517eae85190715fa63f312aa875773' (2024-03-25) • Updated input 'crane': 'github:ipetkov/crane/270c7d60d37b769a31bb04d61bc73cc2da1b3f6f' (2024-03-22) → 'github:ipetkov/crane/ada0fb4dcce4561acb1eb17c59b7306d9d4a95f3' (2024-03-29) • Updated input 'fenix': 'github:nix-community/fenix/85f4139f3c092cf4afd9f9906d7ed218ef262c97' (2024-03-22) → 'github:nix-community/fenix/aaeaf4574767a0f5ed1787e990139aefcf4db103' (2024-03-30) • Updated input 'nixpkgs': 'github:NixOS/nixpkgs/20bc93ca7b2158ebc99b8cef987a2173a81cde35' (2024-03-23) → 'github:NixOS/nixpkgs/807c549feabce7eddbf259dbdcec9e0600a0660d' (2024-03-29)
GitHub Actions will not run workflows on pull requests which are opened by a GitHub Action.
To run GitHub Actions workflows on this PR, run:
git branch -D update_flake_lock_action git fetch origin git checkout update_flake_lock_action git commit --amend --no-edit git push origin update_flake_lock_action --force
Automated changes by the update-flake-lock GitHub Action.
Running GitHub Actions on this PR
GitHub Actions will not run workflows on pull requests which are opened by a GitHub Action.
To run GitHub Actions workflows on this PR, run: