vlad2305m / Anaglyph-fabric

3d for Minecraft
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Add Red-Blue glasses support #7

Open meekjr opened 4 months ago

meekjr commented 4 months ago

I only own the much more uncommon red-blue glasses rather than red cyan, with the blue side being designed to only allow blue rather than block out red like on the more common red-cyan glasses.

this means the side I plop green onto can be seen in the opposite lens regardless, Please add an option to disable green. A feature I'd much like out of this would be to set to grayscale, then, average the sides where red and blue touch into purple tones (simalar to ReShade's depth 3d red-blue optimized setting),

Attached is a crappy picture of the effect image it seems minor but it makes it pretty much impossible to experience the 3D effect, especially if I ever accidentally remember that my monitor is a tangible object.

would also be nice to have some red/blue hue sliders, or rewrite the deal to just let you pick the hues of each eye, though probably unneeded for most people.