vladholubiev / serverless-libreoffice

Run LibreOffice in AWS Lambda to create PDFs & convert documents
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Convert excel file to pdf #20

Open SolutiaJI opened 5 years ago

SolutiaJI commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to convert excel files to PDFs and it is successfully completing this action. The issue is none of the columns are expanded so there is a lot of data that is missing in the pdf form. Is there some option that can be added to the convert command to force these columns to expand? Is there some other way to get the columns to expand so all of the data is available in the pdf converted file?

vladholubiev commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of such option. If you happen to find one - please let me know and I'll add it to the readme.

By the way, a good place to ask this question would be on the LibreOffice Forum

darwinbotlee commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of such option. If you happen to find one - please let me know and I'll add it to the readme.

By the way, a good place to ask this question would be on the LibreOffice Forum

Hi, I know, how to apply the settings needed to enable landscape pdf generation and how to scale xlsx files properly, but I need to enable macros on the libreoffice version included inside the layer, and also prove that libreoffice macros can run on the amazon linux 2 enviroment, would please share a full version of the libreoffice you shrank so I can test2 if maybe macros would run?