A Flutter plugin for managing both Yolov5 model and Tesseract v4, accessing with TensorFlow Lite 2.x. Support object detection, segmentation and OCR on both iOS and Android.
Please update the bellow code to crop the detected region with yolov8 model, because right now it draws bounding box around the detected object, but I need only the detected region, and I want to display it on screen instead of the whole image.
List displayBoxesAroundRecognizedObjects(Size screen) {
if (yoloResults.isEmpty) return [];
Please update the bellow code to crop the detected region with yolov8 model, because right now it draws bounding box around the detected object, but I need only the detected region, and I want to display it on screen instead of the whole image.
` List displayBoxesAroundRecognizedObjects(Size screen) {
if (yoloResults.isEmpty) return [];
} } `