vladichimescu / msi-gs65-hackintosh

MSI GS65 Stealth Thin 8RF Hackintosh
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 3 forks source link

Can you help pls #5

Closed MaximSavin closed 5 years ago

MaximSavin commented 5 years ago

Hello, I try to install MacOS Mojave, with your clover kext/settings preset. I have MSI GS65 Stealth THIN-051 (GTX 1060)

But I have trouble.

If I try to format destination drive in HFS(Journal) — on 2 minutes less, Installation rebooted with error: disk23s1 is not convertible to APFS: You may not install to this volume because it can not be converted to Apple File System (APFS) and post installation loop rebooted...

If I try to format destination drive to APFS — sometimes formatting done, but installation reboot without any errors in log, and sometimes formatting not done just rebooted...

Sorry I'm newbie in Hackintosh, I try many options, but not understand what exactly should I do...

Can you please explain step by step installation process, please?

Thanx a lot if you can help!

ghost commented 5 years ago

hi Savin. sorry, I do not provide install support as it's not related to the actual files - most probably you need to delete the entire volume and recreate the partition using GUID GPT. other than the 'normal' install procedure, copy>paste everything related to clover from here should be enough

MaximSavin commented 5 years ago

omg, maybe it should help, I try to install on the second drive within windows 10...

Thanx, I'll try, but simple question: for Mojave should I format destination drive to APFS or HFS (in different guides different information)?

ghost commented 5 years ago

they recommend to alway use the latest thing which is APFS. each format needs the specific efi driver so clover can read the partition