vladimirpetrovski / bitrise-step-version-extractor-android

Bitrise step for extracting the versionName and the versionCode on Android.
MIT License
1 stars 4 forks source link

Does not work on react native project #1

Closed josinaldobarbosa closed 3 years ago

josinaldobarbosa commented 3 years ago

I realized that in this case a lot of information (println) is issued by the same, get only last two lanes should work for all cases.

vladimirpetrovski commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue and for your pull request. I assume this https://github.com/vladimirpetrovski/bitrise-step-version-extractor-android/pull/2 fixes that issue? @josinaldobarbosa Can you confirm if it works?

josinaldobarbosa commented 3 years ago


MaxInMoon commented 3 years ago

@josinaldobarbosa can you list here steps you used for your react-native bitrise workflow? Is there any order importance?

Currently I'm facing this issue:

Task 'printVersion' not found in root project 'git'.


| (7) version-extractor-android@0                                              |
| id: version-extractor-android                                                |
| version: 0.3.0                                                               |
| collection: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise-steplib.git                |
| toolkit: bash                                                                |
| time: 2021-06-30T16:11:02Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Task 'printVersion' not found in root project 'git'.
* Try:
Run gradlew tasks to get a list of available tasks. Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
Incorrect Usage: flag needs an argument: -value
   envman add - Add new, or update an exist environment variable.
   envman add [command options] [arguments...]
   --key value, -k value        Key of the environment variable. Empty string ("") is NOT accepted.
   --value value, -v value      Value of the environment variable. Empty string is accepted.
   --valuefile value, -f value  Path of a file which contains the environment variable's value to be stored.
   --no-expand, -n              If enabled, envman will NOT replaces ${var} or $var in the string according to the values of the current environment variables.
   --append, -a                 If enabled, new env will append to envstore, otherwise if env exist with specified key, will replaced.
   --skip-if-empty              If enabled the added environment variable will be skipped during envman run, if the value is empty. If not set then the empty value will be used.

FATA[16:11:29] [ENVMAN] - Finished:flag needs an argument: -value 
Incorrect Usage: flag needs an argument: -value
   envman add - Add new, or update an exist environment variable.
   envman add [command options] [arguments...]
   --key value, -k value        Key of the environment variable. Empty string ("") is NOT accepted.
   --value value, -v value      Value of the environment variable. Empty string is accepted.
   --valuefile value, -f value  Path of a file which contains the environment variable's value to be stored.
   --no-expand, -n              If enabled, envman will NOT replaces ${var} or $var in the string according to the values of the current environment variables.
   --append, -a                 If enabled, new env will append to envstore, otherwise if env exist with specified key, will replaced.
   --skip-if-empty              If enabled the added environment variable will be skipped during envman run, if the value is empty. If not set then the empty value will be used.

FATA[16:11:30] [ENVMAN] - Finished:flag needs an argument: -value 


Thank you in advance

josinaldobarbosa commented 3 years ago

@MaxInMoon you need to cd in path: gradlew_path: cd android && ./gradlew or other solution like this