vladislav805 / Spirit3-FM

Fork of spirit2_free only for QualComm based processors.
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Проблемы со сборкой приложения в android studio #4

Open AlexandrKozlovskiy opened 2 years ago

AlexandrKozlovskiy commented 2 years ago

Я попытался адаптировать Ваше приложение под android studio,но при сборке нативного кода получил ошибку:

C:/Users/ksash/Desktop/Spirit3-FM/app/src/main/jni/ssd.c:1004:71: error: 'open' called with O_CREAT or O_TMPFILE, but missing mode

Планируете ли ы адаптировать Ваше приложение под android studio и реально ли его собрать под windows?

Edw590 commented 2 years ago

[Sorry, writing from the phone, so no translator to Russian] Just for the record, I was able to compile it (I don't remember if I had to mess around to do it, but I know I did it, as a start because I have it installed here on the phone - was months ago).