vladislemon / block-replace-mc1.7.10

MIT License
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Blocks (Flowers) Not Being Replaced #2

Open zalifsif38 opened 1 year ago

zalifsif38 commented 1 year ago

Using this config:

Configuration file

general {

Block ids to replace in format: what-to-replace=replacement [default: ]

S:replaceMap <

minecraft:blue_orchid=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:allium=minecraft:dandelion minecraft:azure_bluet=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:red_tulip=minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:orange_tulip=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:white_tulip=minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:pink_tulip=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:oxeye_daisy=minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:cornflower=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:lily_of_the_valley=minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:sunflower=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:lilac=minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:rose_bush=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:peony=minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:red_flower:1=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:red_flower:2=minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:red_flower:3=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:red_flower:4=minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:red_flower:5=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:red_flower:6=minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:red_flower:7=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:red_flower:8=minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:double_plant=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:double_plant:1=minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:double_plant:4=minecraft:red_flower minecraft:double_plant:5=minecraft:yellow_flower


The flowers I want to replace are either replaced inconsistently (I can feel that a patch of flowers used to be different,) aren't replaced (especially the 2 block high ones,) replaced only if I exit and re-enter the world or are not replaced at all. The entries are "duplicated" because I wanted to be extra sire that the flowers would be replaced. I tried keeping the first "list" and removing the 2nd (keep all minecraft:name entries and remove minecraft:red_flower/double_plant entries) and vice versa but it still didn't work (or atleast work consistently.)

Thank you for your work and help

vladislemon commented 1 year ago

Hi! The mod isn't siuted for replacing more-than-one-block structures, so issues with double block flowers are expected. What goal you're trying to achieve? May some world generation tweak be better for your task?

zalifsif38 commented 1 year ago

Hi! The mod isn't siuted for replacing more-than-one-block structures, so issues with double block flowers are expected. What goal you're trying to achieve? May some world generation tweak be better for your task?

My goal is to replace any and all double block flowers with single block variants.