vladkens / twscrape

2024! Twitter API scrapper with authorization support. Allows you to scrape search results, User's profiles (followers/following), Tweets (favoriters/retweeters) and more.
MIT License
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Get entire Tweet thread #173

Open ashutoshsaboo opened 2 months ago

ashutoshsaboo commented 2 months ago

Hi, so I was wondering if this lib can be used in anyway to unroll entire tweet threads to a html/markdown content of some sort? Kind of similar to what threadreaderapp and the likes do.

Basically if there's a thread of 10 tweets one after the other by the author, the lib should be able to get a list of those 10 tweets (along with their content) in serial order. I think last i had checked the twitter api, there was some thread_id/conversation_id (i forgot precisely) assigned to each tweet and a pointer to next_tweet in the same thread to accomplish the same. But given this lib doesn't use the twitter api, hence was wondering about the same. Is this possible currently? If not possible currently, if it's possible to please add support for the same in this lib?

Also many thanks for your great work on this lib! @vladkens