vladmandic / automatic

SD.Next: Advanced Implementation of Stable Diffusion and other Diffusion-based generative image models
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
5.36k stars 382 forks source link

[Issue]: onnxruntime import error #2482

Closed strouder closed 8 months ago

strouder commented 8 months ago

Issue Description

I have errors when running vlad... before it was doing fine until i installed reactorforce on the extensions list. I already uninstalled it but now it gives me errors when i run the bat file. I dont think this is an extension issue because the error is not about reactorforce... but about rembg.py

Using VENV: D:\AI\Vladimir\venv
10:23:14-490797 INFO     Starting SD.Next
10:23:14-498806 INFO     Python 3.10.9 on Windows
10:23:14-616769 INFO     Version: app=sd.next updated=2023-11-03 hash=dc79cec1
10:23:15-172462 INFO     Latest published version: baed87285817c8ede31369e13630ba60cd70cdcb 2023-11-09T23:57:07Z
10:23:15-179927 INFO     Platform: arch=AMD64 cpu=AMD64 Family 23 Model 113 Stepping 0, AuthenticAMD system=Windows
                         release=Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0 python=3.10.9
10:23:15-183226 INFO     nVidia CUDA toolkit detected: nvidia-smi present
10:23:15-275553 INFO     Extensions: disabled=['Reactor Force']
10:23:15-276553 INFO     Extensions: enabled=['clip-interrogator-ext', 'Lora', 'sd-extension-chainner',
                         'sd-extension-system-info', 'sd-webui-agent-scheduler', 'sd-webui-controlnet',
                         'stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser', 'stable-diffusion-webui-rembg'] extensions-builtin
10:23:15-280379 INFO     Extensions: enabled=['a1111-sd-webui-lycoris', 'adetailer', 'sd-webui-controlnet',
                         'sd-webui-prompt-history'] extensions
10:23:15-282645 INFO     No changes detected: quick launch active
10:23:15-283644 INFO     Verifying requirements
10:23:15-296651 INFO     Verifying packages
10:23:15-297650 INFO     Extensions: disabled=['Reactor Force']
10:23:15-298650 INFO     Extensions: enabled=['clip-interrogator-ext', 'Lora', 'sd-extension-chainner',
                         'sd-extension-system-info', 'sd-webui-agent-scheduler', 'sd-webui-controlnet',
                         'stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser', 'stable-diffusion-webui-rembg'] extensions-builtin
10:23:15-302649 INFO     Extensions: enabled=['a1111-sd-webui-lycoris', 'adetailer', 'sd-webui-controlnet',
                         'sd-webui-prompt-history'] extensions
10:23:15-309662 INFO     Extension preload: {'extensions-builtin': 0.0, 'extensions': 0.0}
10:23:15-311663 INFO     Command line args: []
10:23:21-915439 INFO     Engine: backend=Backend.ORIGINAL compute=cuda mode=no_grad device=cuda
10:23:21-963031 INFO     Device: device=NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 n=1 arch=sm_90 cap=(8, 6) cuda=12.1 cudnn=8801
10:23:22-623827 INFO     Available VAEs: path="models\VAE" items=0
10:23:22-625826 INFO     Skipping conflicting extension: extensions\sd-webui-controlnet
10:23:22-634826 INFO     Available models: path="models\Stable-diffusion" items=15 time=0.01s
10:23:24-435100 INFO     Extension: script='extensions-builtin\sd-webui-agent-scheduler\scripts\task_scheduler.py' Using                         sqlite file: extensions-builtin\sd-webui-agent-scheduler\task_scheduler.sqlite3
10:23:25-054324 INFO     Extension: script='extensions-builtin\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\controlnet.py' Warning:
                         ControlNet failed to load SGM - will use LDM instead.
10:23:25-056202 INFO     Extension: script='extensions-builtin\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\controlnet.py' ControlNet
                         preprocessor location:
10:23:25-064317 INFO     Extension: script='extensions-builtin\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\hook.py' Warning: ControlNet
                         failed to load SGM - will use LDM instead.
10:23:25-756847 ERROR    Module load: extensions-builtin\stable-diffusion-webui-rembg\scripts\api.py: ImportError
╭───────────────────────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────────────────────────────────────────╮│ D:\AI\Vladimir\modules\script_loading.py:21 in load_module                                                           ││                                                                                                                      ││   20 │   │   │   with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) as stdout:                                           ││ ❱ 21 │   │   │   │   module_spec.loader.exec_module(module)                                                          ││   22 │   │   │   setup_logging() # reset since scripts can hijaack logging                                           ││ in exec_module:883                                                                                                   ││ in _call_with_frames_removed:241                                                                                     ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\extensions-builtin\stable-diffusion-webui-rembg\scripts\api.py:7 in <module>                          ││                                                                                                                      ││    6                                                                                                                 ││ ❱  7 import rembg                                                                                                    ││    8                                                                                                                 ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\rembg\__init__.py:5 in <module>                                                ││                                                                                                                      ││   4                                                                                                                  ││ ❱ 5 from .bg import remove                                                                                           ││   6 from .session_factory import new_session                                                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\rembg\bg.py:21 in <module>                                                     ││                                                                                                                      ││    20                                                                                                                ││ ❱  21 from .session_factory import new_session                                                                       ││    22 from .sessions import sessions_class                                                                           ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\rembg\session_factory.py:4 in <module>                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││    3                                                                                                                 ││ ❱  4 import onnxruntime as ort                                                                                       ││    5                                                                                                                 ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\__init__.py:56 in <module>                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││   55 if import_capi_exception:                                                                                       ││ ❱ 56 │   raise import_capi_exception                                                                                 ││   57                                                                                                                 ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\__init__.py:37 in <module>                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││   36 │   from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import create_and_register_allocator  # noqa: F4                        ││ ❱ 37 │   from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import create_and_register_allocator_v2  # noqa:                        ││   38 │   from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import disable_telemetry_events  # noqa: F401                           │╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ImportError: cannot import name 'create_and_register_allocator_v2' from 'onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state'
10:23:25-822662 ERROR    Module load: extensions-builtin\stable-diffusion-webui-rembg\scripts\postprocessing_rembg.py:
╭───────────────────────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────────────────────────────────────────╮│ D:\AI\Vladimir\modules\script_loading.py:21 in load_module                                                           ││                                                                                                                      ││   20 │   │   │   with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) as stdout:                                           ││ ❱ 21 │   │   │   │   module_spec.loader.exec_module(module)                                                          ││   22 │   │   │   setup_logging() # reset since scripts can hijaack logging                                           ││ in exec_module:883                                                                                                   ││ in _call_with_frames_removed:241                                                                                     ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\extensions-builtin\stable-diffusion-webui-rembg\scripts\postprocessing_rembg.py:3 in <module>         ││                                                                                                                      ││    2 import gradio as gr                                                                                             ││ ❱  3 import rembg                                                                                                    ││    4 from modules import scripts_postprocessing                                                                      ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\rembg\__init__.py:5 in <module>                                                ││                                                                                                                      ││   4                                                                                                                  ││ ❱ 5 from .bg import remove                                                                                           ││   6 from .session_factory import new_session                                                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\rembg\bg.py:21 in <module>                                                     ││                                                                                                                      ││    20                                                                                                                ││ ❱  21 from .session_factory import new_session                                                                       ││    22 from .sessions import sessions_class                                                                           ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\rembg\session_factory.py:4 in <module>                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││    3                                                                                                                 ││ ❱  4 import onnxruntime as ort                                                                                       ││    5                                                                                                                 ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\__init__.py:56 in <module>                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││   55 if import_capi_exception:                                                                                       ││ ❱ 56 │   raise import_capi_exception                                                                                 ││   57                                                                                                                 ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\__init__.py:37 in <module>                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││   36 │   from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import create_and_register_allocator  # noqa: F4                        ││ ❱ 37 │   from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import create_and_register_allocator_v2  # noqa:                        ││   38 │   from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import disable_telemetry_events  # noqa: F401                           │╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ImportError: cannot import name 'create_and_register_allocator_v2' from 'onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state'
10:23:27-860030 INFO     Extension: script='extensions\adetailer\scripts\!adetailer.py' [-] ADetailer initialized.
                         version: 23.11.0, num models: 9
10:23:28-383841 INFO     Extensions time: 5.54s { clip-interrogator-ext=0.79s Lora=0.26s sd-extension-chainner=0.08s
                         sd-webui-agent-scheduler=0.39s sd-webui-controlnet=0.64s
                         stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser=0.13s stable-diffusion-webui-rembg=0.64s
                         a1111-sd-webui-lycoris=0.26s adetailer=1.76s sd-webui-prompt-history=0.52s }
10:23:28-665041 INFO     Loading UI theme: name=black-teal style=Auto base=style.css

10:23:30-985128 INFO     Local URL:
10:23:30-987126 INFO     Initializing middleware
10:23:31-200705 INFO     [AgentScheduler] Task queue is empty
10:23:31-202709 INFO     [AgentScheduler] Registering APIs
10:23:31-340752 INFO     Select: model="Model15-photon_v1 [ec41bd2a82]"
Loading weights: D:\AI\Vladimir\models\Stable-diffusion\Model15-photon_v1.safetensors ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.0/2.1 GB -:--:--Loading weights: D:\AI\Vladimir\models\Stable-diffusion\Model15-photon_v1.safetensors ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.0/2.1 GB -:--:--
10:23:31-418424 INFO     Setting Torch parameters: device=cuda dtype=torch.float16 vae=torch.float16 unet=torch.float16
                         context=no_grad fp16=True bf16=False
10:23:32-165627 INFO     LDM: LatentDiffusion: Running in eps-prediction mode
10:23:32-167628 INFO     LDM: DiffusionWrapper has 859.52 M params.
10:23:32-168513 INFO     Autodetect: model="Stable Diffusion" class=StableDiffusionPipeline
                         file="D:\AI\Vladimir\models\Stable-diffusion\Model15-photon_v1.safetensors" size=2034MB
10:23:34-881903 INFO     Cross-attention: optimization=Scaled-Dot-Product options=[]
10:23:35-169700 INFO     Loaded embeddings: loaded=22 skipped=3 time=0.28s
10:23:35-176700 INFO     Model loaded in 3.83s { config=0.06s create=0.74s apply=1.44s vae=0.62s move=0.65s
                         embeddings=0.28s }
10:23:35-485037 INFO     Model load finished: {'ram': {'used': 6.21, 'total': 31.92}, 'gpu': {'used': 3.19, 'total':
                         10.0}, 'retries': 0, 'oom': 0} cached=0
10:23:35-715089 INFO     Startup time: 20.40s { torch=5.41s gradio=0.51s libraries=1.36s extensions=5.54s
                         face-restore=0.21s upscalers=0.16s ui-extra-networks=0.24s ui-txt2img=0.08s ui-img2img=0.12s
                         ui-settings=0.15s ui-extensions=1.47s ui-defaults=0.07s launch=0.27s api=0.09s
                         app-started=0.26s checkpoint=4.38s }

Version Platform Description

Version: 0.57.1

Name: numpy Version: 1.24.4 Summary: Fundamental package for array computing in Python Home-page: https://www.numpy.org Author: Travis E. Oliphant et al. Author-email: License: BSD-3-Clause Location: d:\ai\vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages Requires: Required-by: accelerate, altair, basicsr, blendmodes, clean-fid, contourpy, dctorch, diffusers, facexlib, filterpy, fvcore, gfpgan, gradio, h5py, imageio, invisible-watermark, lpips, matplotlib, mediapipe, numba, numexpr, onnx, onnxruntime, opencv-contrib-python, opencv-contrib-python-headless, opencv-python, opencv-python-headless, opt-einsum, pandas, PyMatting, pytorch-lightning, PyWavelets, rembg, scikit-image, scipy, seaborn, tb-nightly, tensorboard, tensorflow-intel, tifffile, torchmetrics, torchsde, torchvision, transformers, ultralytics

Relevant log output

No response




SD 1.5


vladmandic commented 8 months ago

onnxruntime package does not seem to be correctly installed or working. you can try forcing reinstallation of all requirements using webui --reinstall, but other than that, search why onnxruntime may be broken.

strouder commented 8 months ago

@vladmandic rembg being a built-in feature is also breaking installations.

strouder commented 8 months ago

@vladmandic i tried deleting rembg in the builtin extensions and restarted webui and didnt get errors... when i closed and relaunched webui, the rembg problem is there again.

strouder commented 8 months ago

I just reinstalled and got this error:

Using VENV: D:\AI\Vladimir\venv
18:19:39-365517 INFO     Starting SD.Next
18:19:39-365517 INFO     Python 3.10.9 on Windows
18:19:39-475303 INFO     Version: app=sd.next updated=2023-11-03 hash=dc79cec1
18:19:39-710877 INFO     Latest published version: 044c31473b0c86c2351d1ff56322337f9d08010b 2023-11-10T05:40:52Z
18:19:39-726503 INFO     Platform: arch=AMD64 cpu=AMD64 Family 23 Model 113 Stepping 0, AuthenticAMD system=Windows
                         release=Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0 python=3.10.9
18:19:39-726503 INFO     nVidia CUDA toolkit detected: nvidia-smi present
18:19:39-726503 INFO     Installing package: torch torchvision --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
18:19:45-341312 INFO     Forcing reinstall of all packages
18:19:45-341312 INFO     Verifying requirements
18:19:45-341312 INFO     Installing package: setuptools
18:19:47-489974 INFO     Installing package: addict
18:19:49-709761 INFO     Installing package: aenum
18:19:51-988482 INFO     Installing package: aiohttp
18:19:54-285942 INFO     Installing package: anyio
18:19:56-563612 INFO     Installing package: appdirs
18:19:58-507040 INFO     Installing package: astunparse
18:20:00-674509 INFO     Installing package: blendmodes
18:20:03-873968 INFO     Installing package: clean-fid
18:20:06-030793 INFO     Installing package: easydev
18:20:07-975995 INFO     Installing package: extcolors
18:20:09-939354 INFO     Installing package: facexlib
18:20:12-132385 INFO     Installing package: filetype
18:20:14-100835 INFO     Installing package: future
18:20:16-066274 INFO     Installing package: gdown
18:20:18-265374 INFO     Installing package: gfpgan
18:20:21-590772 INFO     Installing package: GitPython
18:20:23-567971 INFO     Installing package: httpcore
18:20:25-548273 INFO     Installing package: inflection
18:20:27-728678 INFO     Installing package: jsonmerge
18:20:29-884292 INFO     Installing package: kornia
18:20:32-108484 INFO     Installing package: lark
18:20:34-087059 INFO     Installing package: lmdb
18:20:36-608864 INFO     Installing package: lpips
18:20:39-299500 INFO     Installing package: omegaconf
18:20:41-576523 INFO     Installing package: open-clip-torch
18:20:43-773268 INFO     Installing package: opencv-contrib-python-headless
18:20:45-777813 INFO     Installing package: piexif
18:20:47-926844 INFO     Installing package: psutil
18:20:49-950177 INFO     Installing package: pyyaml
18:20:51-906145 INFO     Installing package: resize-right
18:20:54-016494 INFO     Installing package: rich
18:20:56-008367 INFO     Installing package: safetensors
18:20:57-985041 INFO     Installing package: scipy
18:20:59-992562 INFO     Installing package: tb_nightly
18:21:02-256596 INFO     Installing package: toml
18:21:04-185603 INFO     Installing package: torchdiffeq
18:21:06-083388 INFO     Installing package: voluptuous
18:21:07-996781 INFO     Installing package: yapf
18:21:09-941419 INFO     Installing package: scikit-image
18:21:12-152868 INFO     Installing package: basicsr
18:21:14-207695 INFO     Installing package: fasteners
18:21:16-105452 INFO     Installing package: dctorch
18:21:18-019248 INFO     Installing package: compel==2.0.2
18:21:19-991018 INFO     Installing package: torchsde==0.2.6
18:21:21-924547 INFO     Installing package: antlr4-python3-runtime==4.9.3
18:21:23-822308 INFO     Installing package: requests==2.31.0
18:21:25-751326 INFO     Installing package: tqdm==4.66.1
18:21:27-706475 INFO     Installing package: accelerate==0.20.3
18:21:29-656636 INFO     Installing package: opencv-python-headless==
18:21:31-617304 INFO     Installing package: diffusers==0.21.4
18:21:33-561940 INFO     Installing package: einops==0.4.1
18:21:35-475362 INFO     Installing package: gradio==3.43.2
18:21:38-048198 INFO     Installing package: huggingface_hub==0.17.1
18:21:40-031102 INFO     Installing package: numexpr==2.8.4
18:21:42-016805 INFO     Installing package: numpy==1.24.4
18:21:44-087739 INFO     Installing package: numba==0.57.1
18:21:46-094746 INFO     Installing package: pandas==1.5.3
18:21:48-117908 INFO     Installing package: protobuf==3.20.3
18:21:50-235175 INFO     Installing package: pytorch_lightning==1.9.4
18:21:52-305573 INFO     Installing package: transformers==4.30.2
18:21:54-313074 INFO     Installing package: tomesd==0.1.3
18:21:56-304421 INFO     Installing package: urllib3==1.26.15
18:21:58-531464 INFO     Installing package: Pillow==9.5.0
18:22:01-323500 INFO     Installing package: timm==0.9.7
18:22:03-299767 INFO     Installing package: pydantic==1.10.13
18:22:05-322399 INFO     Installing package: typing-extensions==4.8.0
18:22:07-314306 INFO     Verifying packages
18:22:07-314306 INFO     Installing package: git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git
18:22:13-025506 INFO     Installing package:
18:22:18-781447 INFO     Installing package: onnxruntime==1.15.1
18:22:20-922040 INFO     Installing package: pi-heif
18:22:23-015849 INFO     Installing package: tensorflow==2.13.0
18:22:34-077708 INFO     Verifying repositories
18:22:38-827120 INFO     Verifying submodules
18:22:50-584635 INFO     Extensions enabled: ['clip-interrogator-ext', 'Lora', 'sd-extension-chainner',
                         'sd-extension-system-info', 'sd-webui-agent-scheduler', 'sd-webui-controlnet',
                         'stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser', 'stable-diffusion-webui-rembg',
                         'a1111-sd-webui-lycoris', 'adetailer', 'sd-webui-prompt-history']
18:22:50-589160 WARNING  Extensions duplicates: ['sd-webui-controlnet']
18:22:50-589740 INFO     Verifying requirements
18:22:50-589740 INFO     Installing package: setuptools
18:22:52-735281 INFO     Installing package: addict
18:22:54-684745 INFO     Installing package: aenum
18:22:56-727725 INFO     Installing package: aiohttp
18:22:59-027583 INFO     Installing package: anyio
18:23:01-285565 INFO     Installing package: appdirs
18:23:03-251777 INFO     Installing package: astunparse
18:23:05-210477 INFO     Installing package: blendmodes
18:23:08-097049 INFO     Installing package: clean-fid
18:23:10-128838 INFO     Installing package: easydev
18:23:12-054778 INFO     Installing package: extcolors
18:23:14-009882 INFO     Installing package: facexlib
18:23:15-976166 INFO     Installing package: filetype
18:23:18-144786 INFO     Installing package: future
18:23:20-072440 INFO     Installing package: gdown
18:23:22-051438 INFO     Installing package: gfpgan
18:23:24-996351 INFO     Installing package: GitPython
18:23:26-966797 INFO     Installing package: httpcore
18:23:28-909014 INFO     Installing package: inflection
18:23:30-858322 INFO     Installing package: jsonmerge
18:23:32-991141 INFO     Installing package: kornia
18:23:34-928392 INFO     Installing package: lark
18:23:36-843530 INFO     Installing package: lmdb
18:23:38-802113 INFO     Installing package: lpips
18:23:40-770335 INFO     Installing package: omegaconf
18:23:42-708150 INFO     Installing package: open-clip-torch
18:23:44-688572 INFO     Installing package: opencv-contrib-python-headless
18:23:46-681753 INFO     Installing package: piexif
18:23:48-621837 INFO     Installing package: psutil
18:23:50-649187 INFO     Installing package: pyyaml
18:23:52-578550 INFO     Installing package: resize-right
18:23:54-523192 INFO     Installing package: rich
18:23:56-547184 INFO     Installing package: safetensors
18:23:58-560641 INFO     Installing package: scipy
18:24:00-622417 INFO     Installing package: tb_nightly
18:24:02-984257 INFO     Installing package: toml
18:24:04-933562 INFO     Installing package: torchdiffeq
18:24:06-957348 INFO     Installing package: voluptuous
18:24:08-873885 INFO     Installing package: yapf
18:24:10-912230 INFO     Installing package: scikit-image
18:24:13-234595 INFO     Installing package: basicsr
18:24:15-273922 INFO     Installing package: fasteners
18:24:17-210968 INFO     Installing package: dctorch
18:24:19-164074 INFO     Installing package: compel==2.0.2
18:24:21-160629 INFO     Installing package: torchsde==0.2.6
18:24:23-096690 INFO     Installing package: antlr4-python3-runtime==4.9.3
18:24:25-016452 INFO     Installing package: requests==2.31.0
18:24:27-033812 INFO     Installing package: tqdm==4.66.1
18:24:29-043197 INFO     Installing package: accelerate==0.20.3
18:24:31-038164 INFO     Installing package: opencv-python-headless==
18:24:33-087245 INFO     Installing package: diffusers==0.21.4
18:24:35-120054 INFO     Installing package: einops==0.4.1
18:24:37-187848 INFO     Installing package: gradio==3.43.2
18:24:40-953003 INFO     Installing package: huggingface_hub==0.17.1
18:24:42-947371 INFO     Installing package: numexpr==2.8.4
18:24:44-926070 INFO     Installing package: numpy==1.24.4
18:24:51-432246 INFO     Installing package: numba==0.57.1
18:24:53-509308 INFO     Installing package: pandas==1.5.3
18:24:55-598119 INFO     Installing package: protobuf==3.20.3
18:24:57-722810 INFO     Installing package: pytorch_lightning==1.9.4
18:24:59-758339 INFO     Installing package: transformers==4.30.2
18:25:01-749610 INFO     Installing package: tomesd==0.1.3
18:25:03-696617 INFO     Installing package: urllib3==1.26.15
18:25:05-641486 INFO     Installing package: Pillow==9.5.0
18:25:08-611927 INFO     Installing package: timm==0.9.7
18:25:10-660824 INFO     Installing package: pydantic==1.10.13
18:25:12-762419 INFO     Installing package: typing-extensions==4.8.0
18:25:14-764819 INFO     Extension preload: {'extensions-builtin': 0.0, 'extensions': 0.0}
18:25:14-765340 INFO     Command line args: ['--reinstall'] reinstall=True
18:25:21-698316 INFO     Engine: backend=Backend.ORIGINAL compute=cuda mode=no_grad device=cuda
18:25:21-753783 INFO     Device: device=NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 n=1 arch=sm_90 cap=(8, 6) cuda=12.1 cudnn=8801
18:25:22-361904 INFO     Available VAEs: path="models\VAE" items=0
18:25:22-362414 INFO     Skipping conflicting extension: extensions\sd-webui-controlnet
18:25:22-372438 INFO     Available models: path="models\Stable-diffusion" items=15 time=0.01s
18:25:24-184888 INFO     Extension: script='extensions-builtin\sd-webui-agent-scheduler\scripts\task_scheduler.py' Using                         sqlite file: extensions-builtin\sd-webui-agent-scheduler\task_scheduler.sqlite3
18:25:24-690420 INFO     Extension: script='extensions-builtin\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\controlnet.py' Warning:
                         ControlNet failed to load SGM - will use LDM instead.
18:25:24-692442 INFO     Extension: script='extensions-builtin\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\controlnet.py' ControlNet
                         preprocessor location:
18:25:24-699928 INFO     Extension: script='extensions-builtin\sd-webui-controlnet\scripts\hook.py' Warning: ControlNet
                         failed to load SGM - will use LDM instead.
18:25:25-737854 ERROR    Module load: extensions-builtin\stable-diffusion-webui-rembg\scripts\api.py: ImportError
╭───────────────────────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────────────────────────────────────────╮│ D:\AI\Vladimir\modules\script_loading.py:21 in load_module                                                           ││                                                                                                                      ││   20 │   │   │   with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) as stdout:                                           ││ ❱ 21 │   │   │   │   module_spec.loader.exec_module(module)                                                          ││   22 │   │   │   setup_logging() # reset since scripts can hijaack logging                                           ││ in exec_module:883                                                                                                   ││ in _call_with_frames_removed:241                                                                                     ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\extensions-builtin\stable-diffusion-webui-rembg\scripts\api.py:7 in <module>                          ││                                                                                                                      ││    6                                                                                                                 ││ ❱  7 import rembg                                                                                                    ││    8                                                                                                                 ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\rembg\__init__.py:5 in <module>                                                ││                                                                                                                      ││   4                                                                                                                  ││ ❱ 5 from .bg import remove                                                                                           ││   6 from .session_factory import new_session                                                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\rembg\bg.py:21 in <module>                                                     ││                                                                                                                      ││    20                                                                                                                ││ ❱  21 from .session_factory import new_session                                                                       ││    22 from .sessions import sessions_class                                                                           ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\rembg\session_factory.py:4 in <module>                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││    3                                                                                                                 ││ ❱  4 import onnxruntime as ort                                                                                       ││    5                                                                                                                 ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\__init__.py:56 in <module>                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││   55 if import_capi_exception:                                                                                       ││ ❱ 56 │   raise import_capi_exception                                                                                 ││   57                                                                                                                 ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\__init__.py:37 in <module>                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││   36 │   from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import create_and_register_allocator  # noqa: F4                        ││ ❱ 37 │   from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import create_and_register_allocator_v2  # noqa:                        ││   38 │   from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import disable_telemetry_events  # noqa: F401                           │╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ImportError: cannot import name 'create_and_register_allocator_v2' from 'onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state'
18:25:25-791818 ERROR    Module load: extensions-builtin\stable-diffusion-webui-rembg\scripts\postprocessing_rembg.py:
╭───────────────────────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────────────────────────────────────────╮│ D:\AI\Vladimir\modules\script_loading.py:21 in load_module                                                           ││                                                                                                                      ││   20 │   │   │   with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) as stdout:                                           ││ ❱ 21 │   │   │   │   module_spec.loader.exec_module(module)                                                          ││   22 │   │   │   setup_logging() # reset since scripts can hijaack logging                                           ││ in exec_module:883                                                                                                   ││ in _call_with_frames_removed:241                                                                                     ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\extensions-builtin\stable-diffusion-webui-rembg\scripts\postprocessing_rembg.py:3 in <module>         ││                                                                                                                      ││    2 import gradio as gr                                                                                             ││ ❱  3 import rembg                                                                                                    ││    4 from modules import scripts_postprocessing                                                                      ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\rembg\__init__.py:5 in <module>                                                ││                                                                                                                      ││   4                                                                                                                  ││ ❱ 5 from .bg import remove                                                                                           ││   6 from .session_factory import new_session                                                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\rembg\bg.py:21 in <module>                                                     ││                                                                                                                      ││    20                                                                                                                ││ ❱  21 from .session_factory import new_session                                                                       ││    22 from .sessions import sessions_class                                                                           ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\rembg\session_factory.py:4 in <module>                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││    3                                                                                                                 ││ ❱  4 import onnxruntime as ort                                                                                       ││    5                                                                                                                 ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\__init__.py:56 in <module>                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││   55 if import_capi_exception:                                                                                       ││ ❱ 56 │   raise import_capi_exception                                                                                 ││   57                                                                                                                 ││                                                                                                                      ││ D:\AI\Vladimir\venv\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\__init__.py:37 in <module>                                         ││                                                                                                                      ││   36 │   from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import create_and_register_allocator  # noqa: F4                        ││ ❱ 37 │   from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import create_and_register_allocator_v2  # noqa:                        ││   38 │   from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import disable_telemetry_events  # noqa: F401                           │╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ImportError: cannot import name 'create_and_register_allocator_v2' from 'onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state'
18:25:27-762395 INFO     Extension: script='extensions\adetailer\scripts\!adetailer.py' [-] ADetailer initialized.
                         version: 23.11.0, num models: 9
18:25:28-295884 INFO     Extensions time: 5.72s { clip-interrogator-ext=0.76s Lora=0.28s sd-extension-chainner=0.09s
                         sd-extension-system-info=0.05s sd-webui-agent-scheduler=0.42s sd-webui-controlnet=0.52s
                         stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser=0.26s stable-diffusion-webui-rembg=0.84s
                         a1111-sd-webui-lycoris=0.26s adetailer=1.70s sd-webui-prompt-history=0.53s }
18:25:28-571497 INFO     Loading UI theme: name=black-teal style=Dark base=style.css
18:25:30-948826 INFO     Local URL:
18:25:30-952591 INFO     Initializing middleware
18:25:31-169286 INFO     [AgentScheduler] Task queue is empty
18:25:31-169286 INFO     [AgentScheduler] Registering APIs
18:25:31-315269 INFO     Select: model="Model15-photon_v1 [ec41bd2a82]"
Loading weights: D:\AI\Vladimir\models\Stable-diffusion\Model15-photon_v1.safetensors ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.0/2.1 GB -:--:--18:25:31-395786 INFO     Setting Torch parameters: device=cuda dtype=torch.float16 vae=torch.float16 unet=torch.float16
                         context=no_grad fp16=True bf16=False
18:25:31-860883 INFO     LDM: LatentDiffusion: Running in eps-prediction mode
18:25:31-862415 INFO     LDM: DiffusionWrapper has 859.52 M params.
18:25:31-862415 INFO     Autodetect: model="Stable Diffusion" class=StableDiffusionPipeline
                         file="D:\AI\Vladimir\models\Stable-diffusion\Model15-photon_v1.safetensors" size=2034MB
18:25:33-487922 INFO     Cross-attention: optimization=Scaled-Dot-Product options=[]
18:25:33-745213 INFO     Loaded embeddings: loaded=22 skipped=3 time=0.25s
18:25:33-752768 INFO     Model loaded in 2.43s { config=0.06s create=0.45s apply=0.73s vae=0.35s move=0.54s
                         embeddings=0.25s }
18:25:34-042464 INFO     Model load finished: {'ram': {'used': 7.0, 'total': 31.92}, 'gpu': {'used': 3.19, 'total':
                         10.0}, 'retries': 0, 'oom': 0} cached=0
18:25:34-267248 INFO     Startup time: 19.50s { torch=5.69s gradio=0.56s libraries=1.32s extensions=5.72s
                         face-restore=0.20s upscalers=0.14s ui-extra-networks=0.22s ui-txt2img=0.08s ui-img2img=0.12s
                         ui-settings=0.14s ui-extensions=1.59s ui-defaults=0.07s launch=0.23s api=0.09s
                         app-started=0.27s checkpoint=2.95s }
18:26:08-309171 INFO     MOTD: N/A
18:26:12-525169 INFO     Browser session: client= agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0)
                         Gecko/20100101 Firefox/119.0
vladmandic commented 8 months ago

i cannot troubleshoot why onnxruntime is not correct on your system, but i've just made loading rembg an optional item, so if it fails, it will just disable itself and not impact the rest of sdnext.