vladotesanovic / ngSemantic

Angular 2 building blocks :package: based on Semantic UI
MIT License
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issue #149: Added @NgModule declarations… #160

Open borisfeldmann opened 7 years ago

borisfeldmann commented 7 years ago

…to prevent error "NgSemanticModule is not an NgModule"

Tzesar commented 7 years ago

Can this be merged? I need it to build my site in a production environment.

dinever commented 7 years ago

👍, I'm getting this error too

Failed to compile. NgSemanticModule is not an NgModule

AndreasZaschka commented 7 years ago

Hey @Tzesar, @sushanzh in your package.json use "ng-semantic": "https://github.com/borisfeldmann/ngSemantic/tarball/master" and replace the imports of NgSemanticModule from ng-semantic to "ng-semantic/ng-semantic"

hookedupjoe commented 7 years ago

Is there a reason this change is not merged? I see it has been approved but still can't use this library in the current CLI environment as is. Thanks for the great library, hope to be able to use it soon in an NPM setting.

Edit: Is there a technical reason we can help resolve to be able to merge this in? :)

JSMike commented 7 years ago

@AndreasZaschka that's not relevant, the package.json file wasn't changed in this PR. please pull it in, it's been almost 3 months.