vladyslav-burylov / resharper-testlinker2

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Does not do anything (Rider, .NET 7, NUnit) #16

Open rklec opened 1 year ago

rklec commented 1 year ago

It does not seem to work for me with Rider and NUnit:


I tried:


I explicitly made an example (aka minimum reproducible example aka MRE) .NET 7.0 project: TestProject2.zip

It basically uses the Rider templates, one ClassLibrary:

namespace ClassLibrary;

public class Class1
    public void Do() =>

...and one ClassLibrary.Test:

namespace ClassLibrary.Test;

public class Class1Test
    public void Setup() { }

    public void Test1()
        new Class1().Do();


What I have tried/did not help



Keymap settings: grafik

The menu entry I used when trying it via the actions search: grafik


JetBrains Rider 2023.2.2
Build #RD-232.9921.83, built on September 24, 2023
Runtime version: 17.0.8+7-b1000.22 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 10.0
.NET Core v7.0.7 x64 (Server GC)
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 4070M
Cores: 12

Non-Bundled Plugins:
    com.github.lppedd.idea-conventional-commit (0.22.0)
    testlinker2-rider (2023.2.2)
    de.femtopedia.diffplugin (2.1.11)
    fluentassertions-rider (2023.2.0)
    nsubstitutecomplete-rider (1.10.0)
    com.intellij.plugin.adernov.powershell (2.1.0)
    me.seclerp.rider.plugins.efcore (232.1.0)
    com.intellij.ml.llm (232.9826)
    com.microsoft.vso.idea (1.162.2)
    zielu.gittoolbox (500.0.20+222)
    mobi.hsz.idea.gitignore (4.5.1)
    izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets (2023.3.5)
mu88 commented 1 year ago

Dear @rklec ,

First of all, thank you very much for the detailed information 💪🏻 I just tried it quickly and could not reproduce the issue.

Giving you a bit of context: JetBrains finally decided to make this additional plugin a part of the Rider product, i. e. it will become an integral part of Rider 2023.3 (the next major release, according to my last information), meaning that we will no longer maintain this plugin in the very near future.

That's why I suggest waiting for the next major release of Rider instead of digging into the analysis. I know this is unfortunate and unsatisfying for you, but I hope you understand.
