vlc-qt / vlc-qt

VLC-Qt - a simple library to connect Qt application with libVLC
877 stars 344 forks source link

Win64 mingw64 #221

Open Rododendron82 opened 6 years ago

Rododendron82 commented 6 years ago

I have compiled vlc-qt non static version on Windows7x64 with MinGW64 compiler and CMake without errors. But my program, witch uses vlc-qt, crushes. Same program on Linux works fine with vlc-qt from packet manager. What can I do to fix this issue? Recommend me a way to build Win64 lib with MinGW64 please.

Rododendron82 commented 6 years ago

I tried SymplePlayer. Same result. VLC-QT terminate the program.

ntadej commented 6 years ago

Did you use "Debug" or "Release" configuration when building?

Rododendron82 commented 6 years ago


ntadej commented 6 years ago

Do you do that for both the VLC-Qt library, the app and Qt?

Rododendron82 commented 6 years ago

I didn't build LIB_VLC manualy, I have downloaded it from ftp. Or you mean the SymplePlayer app? SimplePlayer is in Release.

ntadej commented 6 years ago

It's very hard to tell what's wrong if the only symptom is "crash". Usually people have problems when they mix debug and release builds. Did you run tests on VLC-Qt (make test)?

Rododendron82 commented 6 years ago
D:\Projects\vlc-qt-1.1.0\build>mingw32-make.exe test
Running tests...
"C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\ctest.exe" --force-new-ctest-process
Test project D:/Projects/vlc-qt-1.1.0/build
    Start 1: Test_CoreInstance
1/6 Test #1: Test_CoreInstance ................   Passed    5.01 sec
    Start 2: Test_CoreMedia
2/6 Test #2: Test_CoreMedia ...................   Passed    0.31 sec
    Start 3: Test_CoreMetaManager
3/6 Test #3: Test_CoreMetaManager .............   Passed    0.35 sec
    Start 4: Test_CoreMediaList
4/6 Test #4: Test_CoreMediaList ...............   Passed    4.31 sec
    Start 5: Test_Qml
5/6 Test #5: Test_Qml .........................   Passed   21.16 sec
    Start 6: Test_WidgetsPlayer
6/6 Test #6: Test_WidgetsPlayer ...............   Passed   10.42 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 6

Total Test time (real) =  41.61 sec
ntadej commented 6 years ago

Then something is wrong with the SimplePlayer. Did you copy all the libraries to the application folder? On Windows you need all Qt, VLC and VLC-Qt libraries in the directory where you run the app from.

Rododendron82 commented 6 years ago

Yes. I have solved a problem! In Windows need to add libvlc to pro-file like this:

LIBS += -L../vlc-qt/bin -lvlc -lvlccore

it is necessary to add to SimplePlayer

Rododendron82 commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much

Rododendron82 commented 6 years ago

Player works but I have some warnings:

core vout display error: Failed to set on top
libvlc: Failed to set on top